As a developer, I want to have a command line interface where I input a keyword-based search query to search Twitter for posts containing that keyword, sorted by time, and return a panda data frame of their metadata and generate a .csv file, so that this data can be passed to subsequent methods as input.
Acceptance Criteria
The API should be compatible to be migrated on a virtual machine but to limit delays use local development for now.
API keys should be protected over digital communication and development, and not stored on the repository or otherwise compromised.
The API should have a parameter to filter or limit the posts by the time they were posted.
All metadata possible, related to each individual post in the list of tweet search results should be returned, think big data.
Give each post an ID and make a parameter to filter for retweets and any other nuances of the Twitter platform.
User Story
As a developer, I want to have a command line interface where I input a keyword-based search query to search Twitter for posts containing that keyword, sorted by time, and return a panda data frame of their metadata and generate a .csv file, so that this data can be passed to subsequent methods as input.
Acceptance Criteria