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xitomatl tests not working under Ypsilon #37

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Using Ypsilon 0.9.6 revision 144, these tests from my xitomatl/tests/
(revision 111) fail (they pass on Ikarus and MzScheme):


error in library: duplicate definitions
  >  (define &coroutine-finished-coroutine
       (record-accessor (record-type-rtd &coroutine-finished) 0))
  @  (define &coroutine-finished-coroutine
         (record-type-descriptor &coroutine-finished)

  >  (syntax (define name (case-coroutine/lexical-context name (frmls b0 b
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/coroutines.sls" line 96


error in library: duplicate definitions
  >  (define &fuego-object (record-accessor (record-type-rtd &fuego) 0))
  @  (define &fuego-object
       (condition-accessor (record-type-descriptor &fuego) &fuego-object))

  >  (quote
         ((method (datum->syntax (syntax kw) 'method))
          (value (datum->syntax (syntax kw) 'value))
          (parent (datum->syntax (syntax kw) 'parent))))


error in "syntax template": subforms have different size of matched input

  (template: ((cons* p ... pr) (a ... . ar)))
  (subforms: (pr (#<syntax lambda> #<syntax a> #t)) (ar #<syntax x>)
(pred-frmls (() ((x symbol?)) ((x symbol? ...) ...) ...) ...) (b ((1)
((symbol->string x)) ((symbol=? x ...) ...) ...) ...) (name g2))

  >  (define-generic/temporal
         (() 1)
         (((x symbol?)) (symbol->string x))
         (((x symbol?) (y symbol?)) (symbol=? x y))
         (((x (lambda (x) (or (symbol? x) (string? x)))) (y number?))
          (make-vector y x))
         (((x char?) . #(y (lambda r (for-all char-alphabetic? r))))
          (apply string x y))
         (#(x (lambda a #t)) (reverse x)))
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/generics-tests.sps" line 95

  0  (((a p) ...) (syntax ((list p ...) (a ...))))
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/generics.sls" line 160
  1  (pf)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/generics.sls" line 158
  2  (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_ name (pred-frmls . b) ...)
(identifier? ...) ...) ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/generics.sls" line 153

[I think this might be related to bug #32 I submitted.]

[... first tests running ...]

error: attempt call non-procedure: (#<unspecified> 2)

  0  (g x)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/IU-match-tests.sps" line 150
  1  (library (xitomatl srfi lightweight-testing) (export check check-ec
check-report ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/srfi/lightweight-testing.sls" line 2
  2  (import (rnrs) (rnrs eval) (xitomatl IU-match extras) (xitomatl srfi
lightweight-testing ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/IU-match-tests.sps" line 2


[I spent a while trying to narrow down this bug, but couldn't.]

(fde0 (:- (a 'foo))) => 
error in fde0: not a keyword arguments group

  #<record kw-args-grp ((a . foo))>

  0  (library (xitomatl srfi lightweight-testing) (export check check-ec
check-report ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/srfi/lightweight-testing.sls" line 2
  1  (fde0 (:- (a 'foo)))
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/keyword-args-tests.sps" line 40

This one takes an extremely long time, but it's fast on Ikarus and
MzScheme, and all the other IrRegex tests are fast on Ypsilon.
(See comment in regex-dna.sps for where to download regexdna-input.txt)

[d@eep:~/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/irregex]-> ypsilon regex-dna.sps
agggtaaa|tttaccct 0
[cgt]gggtaaa|tttaccc[acg] 3
a[act]ggtaaa|tttacc[agt]t 9
ag[act]gtaaa|tttac[agt]ct 8
agg[act]taaa|ttta[agt]cct 10
aggg[acg]aaa|ttt[cgt]ccct 3
agggt[cgt]aa|tt[acg]accct 4
agggta[cgt]a|t[acg]taccct 3
agggtaa[cgt]|[acg]ttaccct 5


[NOTE: There is a provided `void' it should be seeing.]

[... first tests running ...]

Running: test of non-null tail pattern following ellipses:

((compile-match (e ,i ... ,a ,b) i) '(e 3 4 5 6 7)) => 
error: unbound variable void

  0  (import (rnrs) (xitomatl sxml-match) (xitomatl include) (xitomatl srfi
lightweight-testing ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/sxml-match/run-tests.sps" line 2
  1  (import (rnrs) (xitomatl sxml-match) (xitomatl include) (xitomatl srfi
lightweight-testing ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/sxml-match/run-tests.sps" line 2
  2  (import (rnrs) (xitomatl sxml-match) (xitomatl include) (xitomatl srfi
lightweight-testing ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/sxml-match/run-tests.sps" line 2
  3  (library (xitomatl srfi lightweight-testing) (export check check-ec
check-report ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/srfi/lightweight-testing.sls" line 2
  4  (import (rnrs) (xitomatl sxml-match) (xitomatl include) (xitomatl srfi
lightweight-testing ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/sxml-match/run-tests.sps" line 2

[NOTE also the weird \x60;16\x60;645 below.]

error: expression is not a proper list
  >  (find k-args (DOCTYPE . default) DOCTYPE val . others)

    &syntax (&violation &serious)
     form: (find\x60;16\x60;645 k-args\x60;16\x60;645 (DOCTYPE\x60;645 .
default\x60;16\x60;645) DOCTYPE\x60;645 val\x60;16\x60;645 .
     subform: #f
    &message: "expression is not a proper list"

  >  (find k-args (DOCTYPE . default) DOCTYPE val . others)
  *  (ssax:make-parser
         (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces expected-content seed) '())
         (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed seed)
           (let ((seed
                   (if (null? namespaces)
                       (reverse seed)
                       (cons (list '*NAMESPACES* namespaces) (reverse seed)))))
             (let ((seed


-- (sxml:xpath .)
("Text node")

error in car: expected pair, but got #f

    &assertion (&violation &serious)
    &who: car
    &message: "expected pair, but got #f"
    &irritants: ()

  0  (library (xitomatl sxml-tools xpath-parser (2008 6 27)) (export
txp:param-value ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/sxml-tools/xpath-parser.sls" line 2
  1  (library (xitomatl sxml-tools xpath-parser (2008 6 27)) (export
txp:param-value ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/sxml-tools/xpath-parser.sls" line 2
  2  (library (xitomatl sxml-tools xpath-parser (2008 6 27)) (export
txp:param-value ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/sxml-tools/xpath-parser.sls" line 2
  3  (library (xitomatl sxml-tools xpath-parser (2008 6 27)) (export
txp:param-value ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/sxml-tools/xpath-parser.sls" line 2
  4  (library (xitomatl sxml-tools xpath-parser (2008 6 27)) (export
txp:param-value ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/sxml-tools/xpath-parser.sls" line 2
  5  (library (xitomatl sxml-tools xpath-parser (2008 6 27)) (export
txp:param-value ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/sxml-tools/xpath-parser.sls" line 2
  6  (library (xitomatl sxml-tools txpath (2008 6 27)) (export
sxml:xpointer-runtime-error ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/sxml-tools/txpath.sls" line 2
  7  (import (rnrs) (xitomatl sxml-tools txpath) (xitomatl include)
(xitomatl sxml-tools ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/sxml-tools/vtxpath.sps" line 2

Let me know if you want me to explain why my code does something or why
it's supposed to work.

: Derick

Original issue reported on by on 2 Aug 2008 at 2:16

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Sorry for the duplicate report.  Google told me it failed with a server error 
first time I tried to submit the report.

Original comment by on 2 Aug 2008 at 2:18

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Thank you for your bug report!

>Sorry for the duplicate report. Google told me it failed with a server error 
first time I tried to submit the report.

No problem. It is very common that google code report such server error :)

Original comment by on 2 Aug 2008 at 5:03

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
>Let me know if you want me to explain why my code does something or why it's
supposed to work.
Your code is well documented by itself and I have no problem to understand it. 
But if
I get into trouble, I will ask your help. Thank you!


Followings are current status of xitomatl/tests. It getting close. :)

[cd ~/optlib]

$ ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/AS-match-test.sps
=> 31 tests completed in 0.000 seconds 31 (100.00%) tests passed 0 (0.00%) 
tests failed

$ ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/IU-match-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 25 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/alists-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 243 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/bytevectors-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 12 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/coroutines-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 45 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/curry-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 22 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/define-extras-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 109 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/delimited-control-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 18 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/exceptions-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 23 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/fuego-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 95 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/generics-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 65 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/htmlprag-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 146 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/keyword-args-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 77 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/lists-tests.sps
(reverse a) => error in reverse: expected proper list, but got (100000 99999 
99997 99996 99995 99994 ...)
[I guess this bug relate to issue 35.]

ypsilon --heap-limit=1024 --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/match-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 359 correct, 0 failed.
[This tests require '--heap-limit=1024' option to done.]

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/paths-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 86 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/ports-tests.sps
=> ; error in coroutine: illegal recursive or concurrent call
[This may relate to issue 35 and 'lists-tests.sps' bug. I will check this one 

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/queue-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 22 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/records-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 18 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/strings-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 188 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/vectors-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 33 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/zipper-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 5 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/irregex/test-irregex-utf8.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 14 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/ssax/html-tests.sps
error in import: attempt to import undefined library
... (xitomatl file-system base compat)
[Ypsilon missing required procedures.]

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/ssax/parsing-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 205 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/ssax/sxpath-tests.sps
=> No exceptions raised. I guess that means everything succeeded.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/ssax/tree-trans-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 6 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/sxml-match/run-tests.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 48 correct, 0 failed.

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/sxml-tools/vcontext.sps
=> XPath-with-context tests passed successfully!

ypsilon --heap-limit=1024 --sitelib=. --clean-acc 
=> DDO SXPath tests passed successfully!
[This tests require '--heap-limit=1024' option to done.]

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/sxml-tools/vmodif.sps
=> SXML modification tests passed successfully!

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/sxml-tools/vtxpath.sps
=> TXPath tests passed successfully!

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/sxml-tools/vsxpath-ext.sps
=> SXPath-ext tests passed successfully!

ypsilon --sitelib=. --clean-acc xitomatl/tests/sxml-tools/vsxpathlib.sps
=> Sxpathlib tests passed successfully!

[cd ~/optlib/xitomatl/tests/irregex]

ypsilon --sitelib=~/optlib/ test-irregex.sps
=> ; *** checks *** : 252 correct, 0 failed.

Original comment by on 10 Aug 2008 at 6:47

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
The latest version of Ypsilon has passed lists-tests and ports-tests. It also 
regex-dna.sps much faster. I have uploaded new version 0.9.6-update1 at:
Please try and let me know if there are any problems.
Thank you!

PS. I attached revised `common-unstandard.ypsilon.sls`. Please check!

Original comment by on 15 Aug 2008 at 3:34


GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Thanks for all your work on fixing these!

This new test (added in revision 113) is failing:

[This is a new library, not my previous (xitomatl keyword-args) which was 
included in
the initial report.]

error in cadr: expected appropriate list structure, but got ()

  >  (case-lambda/kw--meta case-lambda/kw "a case-lambda/kw procedure")
  *  (case-lambda/kw)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/tests/keywords-tests.sps" line 278

  0  (define (parse-kw-formals et-who kw-formals) (let parse ((kwf kw-formals)
(pos-id ...) ...) ...) ...)
  ..."/home/d/zone/scheme/xitomatl/keywords.sls" line 166

Original comment by on 17 Aug 2008 at 8:11

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
This issue reopened.

Original comment by on 18 Aug 2008 at 11:17

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I have fixed the bug and trunk directory updated to revision 175. Please try.
Thank you!

Original comment by on 21 Aug 2008 at 4:06