shiba24 / learning2rank

Learning to rank with neuralnet - RankNet and ListNet
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ListNet Loss Function #21

Open speeding-motor opened 5 years ago

speeding-motor commented 5 years ago

how to compute the loss function....we only use one sequence if enough or need to use any different sequence to get the loss

speeding-motor commented 5 years ago

def topkprob(self, vec, k=5): vec_sort = np.sort(vec)[-1::-1] topk = vec_sort[:k] ary = np.arange(k) return[np.exp(topk[i]) / np.sum(np.exp(topk[i:])) for i in ary])

def listwise_cost(self, list_ans, list_pred): return - np.sum(self.topkprob(list_ans) * np.log(self.topkprob(list_pred)))

the loss function in there, it's make me counfused, it's not use Probability of Different Combinatorial Sequences to compute the loss right?

shiba24 commented 5 years ago

sorry for your confusion. as written in the readme, ListNet implementation is not the exact paper. If you want to use ListNet, maybe you can look at as well.

speeding-motor commented 5 years ago

sorry for your confusion. as written in the readme, ListNet implementation is not the exact paper. If you want to use ListNet, maybe you can look at as well.

thank you very very very...much to answer me,thank you.... now I understand, you use the author algorithm right, but I stil have one Doubt, why you use the sort function before to compute the loss,
for example: if there have sequence [A, B, C], and the y_true_score is [10, 5, 0], and the y_pred is [5, 10, 0], if you use the sort function here, the y_true sequence is still [A,B,C], but y_pred will be [B,A,C], so finally, when we use the: self.topkprob(list_ans) * np.log(self.topkprob(list_pred))

we are calculate the y_true[A,B,C] sequence y_pred[B, A, C] cross entry is that you want finally?