shibayan / keyvault-acmebot

Automated ACME SSL/TLS certificates issuer for Azure Key Vault (App Service / App Gateway / Front Door / CDN / others)
Apache License 2.0
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Add support of several accouts for GoDaddy provider #610

Open hubaksis opened 1 year ago

hubaksis commented 1 year ago

Feature request. I need to update several different certificates for my clients. They manage their domains by themselves, but they provided me with their API credentials, so I can issue certificates for them. Right now there is no support for multiple GoDaddy providers with different credentials.

Possible solution: Add support for multiple DNS providers (for my case - GoDaddy). Add a new app settings 'GoDaddys', which have json in the format {["ApiKey":"a1", "ApiSecret":"s1"], ["ApiKey":"a2", "ApiSecret":"s2"]}

Possible workarounds (alternatives) Create multiple instances of the app to be able to support multiple credentials

webprofusion-chrisc commented 1 year ago

I presume you just need to manage multiple certs across different domains/dns providers and push them all to keyvault? The reason I ask it it seems more practical to perhaps just use a different ACME client with keyvault support.

hubaksis commented 1 year ago

I presume you just need to manage multiple certs across different domains/dns providers and push them all to keyvault? The reason I ask it it seems more practical to perhaps just use a different ACME client with keyvault support.

Multiple domains across different DNS providers is already implemented (as I can see, but I haven't used it), however multiple domains across multiple accounts in one DNS provides is not. Creating a different ACME client is a possible workaround (as I mentioned in the first message), but it will be tricky in terms of management.

shibayan commented 1 year ago

While we recommend deploying Azure Functions on a customer-by-customer basis from the standpoint of separating credentials and privileges, we understand that there are problems with the current DNS Provider setup.

We would like to improve this method to be more scalable in the future.