shiblon / latex-makefile

A Makefile for LaTeX - drop it in, type make, and magic happens.
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missing/outdated figures for building strategies (2.2.0-rc6) #119

Closed shiblon closed 8 years ago

shiblon commented 8 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 106

First of all, thanks for the great effort for this project.
I use this a lot.

There are two issues in using eps figures with the pdflatex engine.

For the first compilation, the Makefile would automatically convert eps to pdf, but
it would complain, and the converted figures do not show in the resulted PDF.
I need to make again to resolve the problem.

$ make
= fig1.eps --> fig1.pdf =
= form.tex --> form.d form.pdf.1st.make (0-1) =
LaTeX Error: File `fig1' not found.
Success!  Wrote 2 pages, 248684 bytes to form.pdf

$ make
= form.tex --> form.d form.pdf.1st.make (0-1) =
Success!  Wrote 3 pages, 327992 bytes to form.pdf

When I change the eps figures, 
I need to manually remove the previously generated pdf figures.
Otherwise, the new figures would not get detected and updated.

Is it possible to track these intermediate pdf figures?
So Makefile can detect the actual change to the source eps figures, 
and convert the figures when necessary.
Or at least, to remove them easily with the 'make clean' commands.

Reported by payne.cheng on 2010-12-25 23:28:54

shiblon commented 8 years ago
Would you do me a favor and attach a minimal tarball of files that cause this failure?
 I can try to reproduce on my end (and I will), but that will ensure that I am actually
tackling the right problem when I work on this.

Now, to make sure that I understand how to reproduce this, is this the right sequence?

Create a blah.eps file that stands alone (not adjacent to a different source file that
compiles to .eps)

Problem 1:
- Run make on the including source document
- Note that blah.pdf does not get included (but does get created?)
- Run make again
- Note that all is well

For the above problem, I suspect that the .d file is not getting generated correctly,
and not triggering a rebuild of the .tex file after the graphics are created, then
the error coloring code runs on the first log file and notes that there was a missing
graphic (which it already knew in order to build it).  What it really should do is
run pdflatex again.

Problem 2:
- Run make "blah.pdf"
- Run make clean
- Note that blah.pdf didn't go away.

I think this is due to .eps not being properly marked as a source file type.  It's
a tricky issue, so I'm not yet sure about that.

Reported by shiblon on 2010-12-26 19:26:20

shiblon commented 8 years ago
thanks for looking into this.
I attached an example tarball which would cause the issue.
I logged the commands in README.

And for the problem 2, I notice that, upon the first fresh make,
the .d file would contain the following entry for each of the eps figure.
"-include fig/test1.gpi.d"

However, after the first make, 
the new generated .d file would contain only ONE such entry for the last included eps
And I think this is the reason why that the updated eps do not get re-converted.

Reported by payne.cheng on 2010-12-27 03:15:40

shiblon commented 8 years ago
Oh, you have figures in subdirectories?  That's not supported by the makefile, and never
will be.  I suspect that if you were to move things into the same directory, it would
start working (at least better than it is now).

Reported by shiblon on 2010-12-31 19:43:03

shiblon commented 8 years ago
This might work better with the changes related to issue 113.  Can you take a look at
the revision listed there and see if your problems are fixed?  I think the problems
are related.

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-01 00:15:58

shiblon commented 8 years ago
The latest fix of issue113 doesn't seem to solve my problem.
But I agree that this one looks highly related to issue113, and maybe some more tweaks
would be needed to capture the latex error.

And, the problem persists without putting figures in subdirectories.
I've just attached another tarball.

Reported by payne.cheng on 2011-01-01 02:09:45

shiblon commented 8 years ago
I have fixed the clean issue, and am now working on the build failure.  rddbeeae3f23c

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-04 14:59:02

shiblon commented 8 years ago
And now, the failure to rebuild after creating test1.pdf and test2.pdf is fixed.  r07ee69208eac
should do it.

That was a subtle one where the difference between pdflatex and latex messed up my
previous latex-oriented logic.

For the failure to properly clean out .pdf files and .log files (you can remove your
Makefile.ini, now), the problem was a lack of stated support for .eps source files.
 You could have fixed that by gzipping them, but now it should work properly.

For the failure to call pdflatex after graphics were created, the problem was caused
by a deep assumption made about latex's behavior when graphics files are missing. 
When producing a .dvi file, latex will go ahead and do that even if it can't find any
graphics that it needs.  pdflatex, however, will fail to produce a .pdf if there are
missing graphics.  I wasn't handling the missing file properly and it broke my logic.
 That should be fixed, now.

Both of your issues have now been addressed.  Feel free to either verify or reopen
this bug if that is not the case.  I'm probably going to upload a new version, soon,
but I've attached the new Makefile here for you to try out first.

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-04 15:38:16

shiblon commented 8 years ago
The fix works great for issue14.

I found that there is a remaining problem for issue15, 
caused by the file "get-graphics.sed".

There is a code segment like the following, 
to extract the graphic entries from the log.
/.*File: \(.*\) Graphic file (type [^)]*).*/{
  b addtargets

The code works if there is only one file entry in each paragraph, 
but this is not mostly true.
In my previous attached example, there exist multiple entries in the same paragraph.
And thus the previous greedy regx would only match the last file: test3.pdf.
That means, changes to test1.eps or test2.eps would not trigger the rebuild.
File: test1.pdf Graphic file (type pdf)
<use test1.pdf> <test2.pdf, id=2, 344.28625pt x 212.795pt>
File: test2.pdf Graphic file (type pdf)
<use test2.pdf> <test3.pdf, id=3, 344.28625pt x 212.795pt>
File: test3.pdf Graphic file (type pdf)
<use test3.pdf> <test4.pdf, id=4, 344.28625pt x 212.795pt>

I fixed this by using loops to extract multiple entries within one paragraph,
and output one target per entry.
The updated file is attached here, but I am no doubt a sed newbie.
So you would know better how to address this.

Reported by payne.cheng on 2011-01-05 00:47:57

shiblon commented 8 years ago
Oh, fascinating!  I'll work on this tomorrow (if I forget, please feel free to pester
me - this is an important issue).

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-05 01:26:30

shiblon commented 8 years ago
Would you do me a favor and send me the minimal .tex file that generates this log? 
I'd like to add a regression test for this and am having a hard time reproducing it.

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-05 14:36:55

shiblon commented 8 years ago
By the way, that's a very nice sed patch.  Not bad for a self-proclaimed newbie :-)

You must be using GNU sed, though.  I see things like [^\n], which doesn't work in
BSD sed.  There are other things in there, too, that don't work for BSD sed, so I'm
going to have to hack at it a bit.  I'm sorry about that, and hope you don't mind the
hack job it's about to get.

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-05 14:42:00

shiblon commented 8 years ago
Never mind about the minimal case.  I get it, now.  Boy, it's been a while.

So, here's what happens.  get-graphics detects graphics in two cases: missing graphics
files and existing graphics files (since no matter when make runs, we need to know
whether to rebuild because a file *changed*, not just because it isn't there anymore).

Thanks very much for the patch.  Now that I have a log file to work with, I should
be able to easily reproduce this and get a fix that works properly.

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-05 14:51:04

shiblon commented 8 years ago
I found a very simple patch that will fix this.  Check it out.

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-05 15:59:02

shiblon commented 8 years ago
I found an even simpler patch and commited r9eca3daadc0e .  Marking fixed.  Feel free
to reopen if it doesn't work for you.

This is the last big blocking issue that I know of for releasing a new rc download.
 If you verify this, I'll upload a new rc.

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-05 16:08:14

shiblon commented 8 years ago
Ah... really an elegant fix.
Thanks! it works like a charm finally.

Reported by payne.cheng on 2011-01-05 21:46:46

shiblon commented 8 years ago

Reported by shiblon on 2011-01-06 20:28:17