shiblon / latex-makefile

A Makefile for LaTeX - drop it in, type make, and magic happens.
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create gaphics with inkscape & export-id #135

Open shiblon opened 8 years ago

shiblon commented 8 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 122

Sometimes you don't want to export the whole svg to pdf. Here is way to do it ;)

create files with shema:
svg.svgid and the filename as content

# $(call run-inkscape-id,<master svg>,<id>,<to>)
run-inkscape-id = $(INKSCAPE) $1 -z -j --export-id=$2 --export-pdf=.tmp.$2.pdf; \
                $(MV) .tmp.$2.pdf $3.pdf

%.pdf: %.svgid main.svg
        $(QUIET)$(call run-inkscape-id, `cat $<`,`basename $@ .pdf`,`dirname $@`/`basename
$@ .pdf`)

this main.svg is the svg where all the ids are - this is a bad hack, any nice solution?
the right file would be `cat $<`?

now you have to add the svgid as graphic extension in Makefile:

graphic_source_extensions       += eps svgid

One question, is there a way to modify graphic_source_extensions in Makefile.ini? a
post Makefile.ini?

Reported by sandroknauss on 2011-04-04 22:13:29

shiblon commented 8 years ago
Interesting.  So, to be sure I understand this, you create an SVG document with various
parts of it tagged with their own IDs.  Then you want to render each part as its own

So, the proposal is to create a new type of file that contains the ID of the .svg part
that you care about.  We could do even better than this, really, and create a .svgid
file that points to the file and specifies the ID, where the contents might be something


Then the makefile can generate appropriate dependencies by parsing this.  Once it has
the dependencies, the rest is pretty simple to do.

Regarding the graphic_source_extensions, no, you can't fiddle with that in Makefile.ini.
 As a general rule, if it isn't exposed explicitly for Makefile.Ini, it is very brittle
to rely on it - it's internal implementation only.  To test this out, you don't really
need do alter graphic_source_extensions, anyway.

Here's what I suggest you try (without giving full details, as I'm rushing off to do
some work, now):

- Determine a reasonable format for your svgid file, perhaps key=value pairs, allowing
# comment leaders, e.g.,

  # Pick the foo from the bar file

- Find all .svgid files

  all_svgid = $(wildcard *.svgid)
  all_svgid_targets = $(all_svgid:.svgid=.pdf)
  all_svgid_d = $(all_svgid:.svgid=.d)

- Create a target that converts from .svgid to .pdf, and depends on a dependencies
file, e.g.,

  $(all_svgid_targets): %.pdf: %.svgid %.d
    inkscape `sed -n -e 's/filename=//p' $<` -z -j --export-id=`sed -n -e 's/id=//p'
$<` --export-pdf=$@ 

- Include all possible dependency files, e.g.,

  -include $(all_svgid_d)

- Create a rule to actually make those dependency files (this is probably incomplete):

  $(all_svgid_d): %.d: %.svgid
     sed -e 's/filename=\(.*\)/$*.pdf: \1/p' -e 'd' $< > $@

So, did that make sense?  Basically, since you are depending on a file that is not
the ultimate source file, you have to automatically generate the dependencies for it.
 So, we have .svgid .d - > .pdf, and it notices that there is no .d file, so it runs
the target .svgid -> .d, which adds the true .svg file to the dependencies for that
particular .pdf file.  Armed with that information, make now knows that it needs %.svgid
%.d, and bar.svg to generate %.pdf.

Then we have, in our inkscape command, two sed invocations that parse the .svgid and
provide the necessary arguments to inkscape.

It's not super simple, but this is how you get all of your dependencies robustly specified
without having to hard-code the name of the source file for your svg ids.

Let me know how that works for you, and maybe we can include this in the makefile.
 At the very least, it's probably time to start doing a real wiki for this project,
and we can put it up there as a recipe.

Reported by shiblon on 2011-04-06 18:03:51