shiblon / latex-makefile

A Makefile for LaTeX - drop it in, type make, and magic happens.
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Build fails when sources are in a subdirectory #186

Closed shiblon closed 8 years ago

shiblon commented 8 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 173

For larger documents, I typically keep sources organized in subdirectories. It seems
that latex-makefile does not support that. I tried creating a minimal example that
demonstrates this issue. See below for details:

$ ls
Makefile    Variables.ini   main.tex    plots
$ ls plots figure.gpi
$ cat Variables.ini 
onlysources.tex := main.tex
$ cat main.tex
$ make
= main.tex --> main.d main.pdf.1st.make (0-1) =
= plots/figure.gpi --> plots/figure.gpi.d =
= main.tex --> main.d main.pdf.1st.make (2-1) =
make: *** No rule to make target `plots/figure.gpi.d', needed by `plots/figure.pdf'.

Reported by jiri.simsa on 2013-10-30 20:36:17

shiblon commented 8 years ago
This is not a supported usage of the Makefile. There are quite a few other issues on
this, and there is unfortunately no easy solution. I wish there were, but we're kind
of stuck without a huge overhaul.

Reported by shiblon on 2013-11-15 14:16:54