shichongrui / react-native-test-utils

A test utils library for testing react native components
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PropTypes / checkPropTypes / React.createClass outdated APIs #3

Closed chrismllr closed 7 years ago

chrismllr commented 7 years ago

Getting three separate outdated API warnings:

      Warning: PropTypes has been moved to a separate package. Accessing React.PropTypes is no longer supported and will be removed completely in React 16. Use the prop-types package on npm instead. (
      Warning: checkPropTypes has been moved to a separate package. Accessing React.checkPropTypes is no longer supported and will be removed completely in React 16. Use the prop-types package on npm instead. (
      Warning: React.createClass is no longer supported. Use a plain JavaScript class instead. If you're not yet ready to migrate, create-react-class is available on npm as a drop-in replacement. (
shichongrui commented 7 years ago

These errors do not originate from react-native-test-utils They are either because a component in your app is still using propTypes/createClass, but also could be because React Native still hasn't migrated everything to the new way to do propTypes.