shidarin / cdl_convert

Converts between common ASC Color Decision List (CDL) formats
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Write OCIO CDLs #7

Open shidarin opened 10 years ago

shidarin commented 10 years ago

Need to be able to write OCIO CDL transforms as nuke importable nk files.

shidarin commented 10 years ago

A sample OCIO cdl transform from nuke:

OCIOCDLTransform {
  slope {1.8171 1.8329 1.8520}
  offset {-0.2799 -0.2299 -0.1501}
  power {0.7143 1.0291 1.4145}
  saturation 1.212
  name 115_216_CDL
shidarin commented 10 years ago

This regex works for finding the node, in the simple example above:

(OCIOCDLTransform {[\.\-\w\d\s{}]+?name) ([\w\d]+)\n}