shidenggui / blog

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2019-09-20 resentful / bitter / much / many #20

Open shidenggui opened 5 years ago

shidenggui commented 5 years ago

R: How are you doing tonight? I: I have been coding for a while. R: That's typical. R: Do you realize that you and your colleagues are in the cutting-edge of the technology explosion. I: Yes. R: Do you realize your generation is part of the technology explosion. I was born after WW2. When I was a child, we said poor China, no technology. Now, the last twenty years, BOOM. Do you feel it? Do you understand it? I: The ~economic~ economy of China is growing rapidly.

economy / economic / economics / economical

First I used economic, but the teacher corrected me. I should use the word economy. But what's the difference between these words? economy: 经济 economic: 经济的,形容词 economics: 经济学 economical: “not requiring too much of something” (such as money, space, time, etc.), e.g. 节省的,话费不多的