shieldgenerator7 / Stonicorn

A 2D Metroidvania-style teleporting platformer. Current version:
1 stars 0 forks source link

bug: Destroyed objects "respawn" in new session #576

Open shieldgenerator7 opened 3 years ago

shieldgenerator7 commented 3 years ago
  1. Break a deswall (ex: the one right before the first checkpoint in the cave)
  2. Make sure at least one deswall piece is left
  3. Close game
  4. Reopen game RESULT: piece is there, but so is the original deswall EXPECTED: Piece is there, but deswall is not

Discovered in 0_506 game build. Might also happen in the editor. Might also happen in the same session by just leaving the area and coming (unloading and reloading the scene).