shigeyukey / Anki-Terminator-

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[Enhancement] allow using several fields in a prompt [Adding a fixed field in the prompt] #5

Open cocowash opened 2 months ago

cocowash commented 2 months ago

Hi, thanks for sharing this add-on, it has changed the way I review my Anki cards. If possible, I would like to give in the prompt a fixed field that I want to add to the question. for example: Explain to me the part of speech of {}. You can use as an example {{example-sentence}}.

In this case the first brackets make reference to the priority fields, but it would be great also that I could reference a fixed second field that in this case it could be referenced by using double brackets for example.

Could this be implemented in the add-on? Or do you know a way that I could do this in the current version?
