like 2024-10-18 on 🤖Anki Terminator V2 - ChatGPT Sidebar for Reviewer (Created by Shige)
Thanks for making keyboard shortcuts.
Is there a way that the card is automatically inserted into the chat box with every card. So you can ask a question about the content then press send?
e.g card will say: the sky is blue because of the {{c1::ocean}}. then the gpt text box will have that already in it, but not sent to the chat, you can ask a question after the text by typing in somehting; the sky is blue because of the {{c1::ocean}}. but what about mountains?, then you can send this off. At the next card the texxt will update in the GPT chat box, but not send. And if you click something i.e defualt it will update the chat box and send automatically?
I am a patreon member. Thank you