shih-hao-tseng / SLSpy

SLSpy provides a Python-based framework to design and simulate model-based control systems, especially for system level synthesis (SLS) methods.
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Question about stable transfer matrices #5

Open mcubuktepe opened 3 years ago

mcubuktepe commented 3 years ago


I checked your code and was unable to find where do you specify the constraints on the variables that ensure they define stable transfer matrices. Could you please point me in the repo where you specify those constraints?


shih-hao-tseng commented 3 years ago

In SLSpy we consider system response with finite impulse response (FIR). As such, the resulting Phi_x and Phi_u are stable (in z^{-1} RH_inf and hence in RH_inf) by design. More specifically, we consider Phix = \sum\limits{tau=1}^{T} z^{-tau} Phi_x[tau] \in z^{-1} RH_inf, and in SLSpy we solve for Phi_x[tau], tau = 1,...,T.