shihchunhuang / Frontend-webService

Front-end for UBC CPSC304 group project
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Update operation #4

Closed christinesam closed 7 years ago

christinesam commented 7 years ago

"implement a constraint using the check statement. Provide an interface for the user to specify some input for the update operation. Some input values would successfully satisfy a constraint while others would fail. Provide an interface for the user to display the relation relation after the operation.Note that MySQL 5.5 does not support the Check constraint. If your team is using MySQL 5.5, keep the check in the SQL statement, but actually do the check at the application level (and comment it in the code)."

Users can update their reviews or comments?

****I added check constraint to review table, so rating must be >=5 and <= 1

insert into review values ('TEXT', 'DATE', RATING, ID, 'USER', 'MOVIETITLE', 'RELEASEDATE');

christinesam commented 7 years ago

Joyce and I have posting a review working, we just now need to have to user login done so we can associate a user with the posting.

christinesam commented 7 years ago