shihjay2 / nosh2

NOSH ChartingSystem is an electronic health record system designed exclusively for doctors and patients. This is a new mobile-friendly version that is now based off of the Laravel PHP framework and jQuery. NOSH has FHIR, Bluebutton, ICD-10, GoodRX API, RXNorm API, Phaxio, and UMA support.
75 stars 52 forks source link

Adding new physician #161

Closed mohammadmahboubeh closed 3 years ago

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago

Trying to add new physician the status is added but the list is empty... Please advise

2 11

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago


shihjay2 commented 3 years ago

I see the database command and the group_id seems to indicate you added an assistant user, not a physician user (group_id should be 2, not 3). So the user exists but not when you look on your active physician list, it should show up in your active assistant list.

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago

Actually I added a physician and an assistant as well but they did not appear on the list

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago

1 2

shihjay2 commented 3 years ago

I'm looking also at your database command and it's missing an 'active' field (should show up between the 'group_id' and 'practice_id' fields) and it's coming up null in the database query; can't seem to replicate this in other deployments with the latest commit - what database type and version are you using if not using docker-nosh? Also maybe it's a browser issue - as the active field is a hidden input with a default value of 1 and it's not being passed along with the post request - what browser are you using?

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago

I am using Firefox browser and Mysql 8.0.22 on Ubuntu 20.04 and I installed it through this command: sudo apt install mysql-server php7.4-mysql


mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago

I tried to fill "active" field manually through MYSQL command it showed up in the list!!

shihjay2 commented 3 years ago

I tested this using Firefox browser 84.0.2 and I was not able to replicate the error. I can't say I understand why this is happening as the active field value should have been passed along via the POST request - manually adding the active field value via command line should not be the experience for this.

If you try to add another user again, can you inspect the network (in Firefox -> 3 line icon button -> Web Developer -> Network and when you submit the form, can you capture all of the POST request values being sent?

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago

Got new error:

Screenshot from 2021-01-22 19-24-44

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago

Could not use specialty as well

Screenshot from 2021-01-22 19-20-16

shihjay2 commented 3 years ago

For the error 500 for search_specialty - is there any way in your console to show specifically where the error is coming from? Again, cannot replicate this but it seems like a general network connection issue leading these errors. Again, is this a docker install or manual install into Ubuntu as this would help pinpoint the problem?

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago

It's manual install into ubuntu

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago

POST http://localhost/search_specialty Status500 Internal Server Error VersionHTTP/1.1 Transferred12.17 KB (11.14 KB size) Referrer Policyno-referrer-when-downgrade

Cache-Control no-cache, private Connection close Content-Type application/json Date Fri, 22 Jan 2021 16:44:26 GMT Server Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Set-Cookie XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6ImRBUExQbWdya3pQc2trcnBKdS9ITWc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiQUlQYmFsMUE0bnE5dWdvSE5UZ2pQbFo2NTNCRW95S1NiejJMWS9UZUc3Unhmb0MydXpJdDE0cnpTWmhFczM5QkdwUW1meVJrMVlSRm9Tb2JRcXp1ZmxITmJWb216WjVmaGVWRjcwU3dJaHpyeW4wRHdTMURYL3IwT2hudmNrWUQiLCJtYWMiOiJhY2RkNzQxZTRiYmVhYzk5NzYxNjFjNzhmMzcyYjY3YzYyZGMwMDRhNjE5YjZkNjQ5NWVkNzI2YzI0ZTFlMDNhIn0%3D; expires=Fri, 22-Jan-2021 18:44:27 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/ Set-Cookie laravel_session_nosh=eyJpdiI6Ino1ZEZveTd5TFB2QnNvMUducnJJTGc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiMmZtejQzY2V5MktYaDFKeHpRSXI3Zld4K21ETlNVSzRqM0Z3ejduTjloV24zK2ZtTEdKWHJqTk1iTDYzWG8wOFpmNG81WGh3bkh5VmNPT1Y3b0labDJ5R2pxa2tNSUEvQnpXOFdHbkxpdkVXWTJiL016YnE5ZjNIUlNrNWFsRUYiLCJtYWMiOiJiZjRkYmI2MjM0MWJiYmMyNjc3ODYzMmQzMGFlM2M4NjQwNzdlYzEwNzRmMGJkZDViZWZjM2Q1YTkyMzRjZTFmIn0%3D; expires=Fri, 22-Jan-2021 18:44:27 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/; httponly Transfer-Encoding chunked

Accept application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01 Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate Accept-Language en-US,en;q=0.5 cache-control no-cache Connection keep-alive Content-Length 20 Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 Cookie laravel_session_nosh=eyJpdiI6InJCY3BKR3hPbmVmcW00bXp2YUVYdVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiMzV6QmlaZEx2Q2s3NHc1TTZkRkEzT0s2dWJaWjZVaEMzTEp6L3YzWkZPUng5RWhiRDNUQkMxdUVUanhSazh6elcyRXpSZy83a0NYWG10NlFMeGFqa05qVGtQZUNBLzl0dDlwRFUrOUZ5ekcxVXl5VUJtRmZLMXFqd1Nkc3NhcXYiLCJtYWMiOiIyNjMzYzYyOGQ1ZDhlNmIwZDQ4YjBhN2NmYThkNTUxYjAwYTBjNzAwYjg2M2NhZmFhOWJlZWYzYzdjNDliY2E4In0%3D; XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6InNyc29UVnpWOURuWWlIa1BuWjI3NFE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOWxzNGRNSHV0ejFYMjl5MVA1Zm1NNDRIRkY5NEQxNVhKTnJSaTlEL1NPRThRcWpUbW43OC9PUFpSeHp4dEZhalR3SStMMDRhL281NGJaa3F2eXFpYTl3RzJON3IvVy9UWW1tcWVqdDlMREFwTjhmek5yaFNEaHBXdnJyMS9UTGEiLCJtYWMiOiIxYzFiZmIyYjc3ZmM4MmY2NGE2OGU5NGI2MTE1MTI4NmI2NWQ0YWIyNDYwNmFiOGI0NDNkYWY3NzQxMWVlOGEyIn0%3D; nosh_tz=Asia%2FBaghdad Host localhost Origin http://localhost Referer http://localhost/core_form/users/id/0/2 User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0 X-CSRF-Token HLFpBFAJtLN58R2ZNCboXy9dwzjss7itrB40vPod X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest

mohammadmahboubeh commented 3 years ago