shihjay2 / nosh2

NOSH ChartingSystem is an electronic health record system designed exclusively for doctors and patients. This is a new mobile-friendly version that is now based off of the Laravel PHP framework and jQuery. NOSH has FHIR, Bluebutton, ICD-10, GoodRX API, RXNorm API, Phaxio, and UMA support.
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Care Opportunities: Prevention and ASCVD Risk Calculation. Exporting. #182

Open dhes opened 3 years ago

dhes commented 3 years ago

1) Care Opportunities > USPSTF > Prevention returns: “US Preventative Services Task Force Recommendations Not Available At This Time” Problem: USPSTF API is not accepting POST requests Edits: Change to GET request

2) Care Opportunities > ASCVD Risk returns error Problem: The RxNav API has deprecated the NDFRT relaSource in favor of MEDRT MEDRT doesn't offer a simple way to select statins. (It does fine with lipid-lowering medicines.) Edit: Change to NDFRT for anti-hypertensives. Use a hard-coded list for statins in place of RxNav API search.

3) Export > Export Entire Database hangs Problem: the script expects the MySQL server to be localhost asuser does not have privileges to create the database nosh_copy Edits: Specify env('DB_HOST') in place of 'localhost' add -h env('DB_HOST) parameter to mysql and mysqldump commands Before running script, manually run in MariaDB-Nosh mysql session: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO 'asuser'@'%'; Notes: Works on Docker implementation. Not tested on non-Docker setup.

4) Problem: Deprecated is misspelled ('depreciated') Edits: Correct spelling.

5) Problem: In ascvd_calc() in Controller.php there is $SPB where $SBP was intended, causing incorrect risk calculation. Edits: Corrected

dhes commented 3 years ago

Add fix to Export>Entire Database (SQL Format). Fix mismatched indices in database_export function in CoreController. Fix progress bar so it adds up to 100% when task is completed. Correct area-valuenow to aria-valuenow. Status: Progress bar now reaches 100%, but progressModal still doesn't close.

dhes commented 3 years ago

1) Crash during Export>All Chart. I forked and modified tcpdi-merger, and incorporated it by adding lines to composer.json and Dockerfile. 2) Changed Postgres driver in database.php to suite the ml database 3) Fix duplicate key and spelling error in forms.yaml 4) Various comments

dhes commented 3 years ago

Sorry please disregard comment 'Changed Postgres driver in database.php to suite the ml database'. I didn't stage that change. Apologies.