shiimizu / ComfyUI-TiledDiffusion

Tiled Diffusion, MultiDiffusion, Mixture of Diffusers, and optimized VAE
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Incompatible with new RefCN functionality in ComfyUI-Advanced-ControlNet #20

Open sjuxax opened 3 months ago

sjuxax commented 3 months ago

Probably a "not your bug" bug, but opening here for awareness/tracking purposes, and in case there's something that can be done on this side to mitigate the issue. Kosinkadink wrote on Discord:

ref cn will not work with tiled diffusion at this time the cn would need to have access to a vae during sampling to encode the input image per tile, and currently it prepares them beforehand. i'll eventually refactor code to make it compatible with existing tiling solutions, but for the time being i don't want to introduce potential memory usage issues without putting in the proper time to investigate

Should probably make a corresponding issue on ComfyUI-Advanced-ControlNet. I'll update here if I do that. See also