shikha-16 / Women-in-Technology

A collection of resources for women in tech, consisting of - courses, learning guides, amazing sites and repos, blogs, programs and events. scholarships, etc.
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Home Page for the website #55

Closed umang-sinha closed 3 years ago

umang-sinha commented 3 years ago

Contributors interested in working on the home page for the website can take up this issue. You can have a look at the wireframes here.

The homepage needs to have the following components:

Contributors are requested to strictly adhere to the format followed in the wireframes. Please go through and the basic skeleton before contributing.

Also join the Discord server so that communication can be done smoothly.

For an overview of the project, see here

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

i would like to work on this one, @umang-sinha what do you think about adding material-ui to the project?

umang-sinha commented 3 years ago

Yes we are planning to go with material UI

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

please assign this issue to me.

umang-sinha commented 3 years ago

@greyGroot I am assigning this to you. You can go ahead and start working on it.

shikha-16 commented 3 years ago

@greyGroot , I'm emphasizing this again, you do NOT have to code for the carousel, somebody else is already working on that. Focus on the other parts and leave the carousel.

shikha-16 commented 3 years ago

@greyGroot i need some response from you

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

@shikha-16 I'm working on it

shikha-16 commented 3 years ago

@shikha-16 I'm working on it

okay, you can refer to comments for the same. We are looking for something exactly like that.

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

@shikha-16 as i see in pr #63 he was using bootstrap, but i thought you want to add Material-UI. So what approach should i use?

syauqy commented 3 years ago

Hi @greyGroot @shikha-16 thanks for mentioning the issue. Personally, I think we need to decide the framework and I'm okay if we want to use material UI or any css framework.

I was only focused on the skeleton of my page. But since the main components like navbar, carousel, and footer are missing, I took faster approach to work around that using bootstrap.

I'm happy to work on the update if we use another framework

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

@syauqy thank you for your contribution and happy to see that you ready to make update.

personally, i love to work with react material ui, but we can go with bootstrap, because Navigation, Footer and Carousel is ready.

@shikha-16 should i do it with bootstrap? or we need to update #63 with material ui ?

milenagd commented 3 years ago

Personally, I prefer material ui as well. I will wait for the decision to start working in the contribution page.

umang-sinha commented 3 years ago

Instead of getting into the hassle of updating #63 with material ui we should just proceed with bootstrap to make progress faster.

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

@umang-sinha there is small inconsistency in design of "Founder" block:

this option is from figma, home-page:

Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 17 06 49

and this one from Community page:

Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 17 07 00

maybe we should align those two components?

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

@shikha-16 regarding carousel. @syauqy implemented main carousel, but we also have smaller one with cards, like here:

Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 17 13 52

and here:

Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 17 14 02

Should i implement it, or somebody is working on it?

shikha-16 commented 3 years ago

@greyGroot nobody is working on those. Can you please implement it? You can use the code made by him as reference!

umang-sinha commented 3 years ago

hey @greyGroot any updates on the issue?

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

@umang-sinha i was busy last few days, but now i'm working on it. it's in progress.

Have you made a decision regarding "About Founder" block?

umang-sinha commented 3 years ago

@umang-sinha i was busy last few days, but now i'm working on it. it's in progress.

Have you made a decision regarding "About Founder" block?

yes please go ahead with the one on the home page

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

@umang-sinha i'm working on carousel for cards, and i'm facing some troubles.

Here how it looks at the moment:

On a design we have only one control on the right side. If user will click it, he should see next 4 cards, right? How many slides there should be? Or how many cards in total? If user will click on the right control, how he will be able to turn back to the first slide?

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

And as i see, there should be less cards on one slide on smaller screens, right?

umang-sinha commented 3 years ago

@umang-sinha i'm working on carousel for cards, and i'm facing some troubles.

Here how it looks at the moment:

On a design we have only one control on the right side. If user will click it, he should see next 4 cards, right? How many slides there should be? Or how many cards in total? If user will click on the right control, how he will be able to turn back to the first slide?

I guess that is an inconsistency that was missed while making the wireframes. To tackle this lets enable horizontal scrolling in those slides. When the users scrolls down they will move towards the rightmost slide and vice versa. Regarding the total number of slides, I don't think I have a fixed number in mind. That depends on the amount of content we have to display. For now just create 6-7 slides to get the gist of how it will actually look when implemented.

umang-sinha commented 3 years ago

And as i see, there should be less cards on one slide on smaller screens, right?

Yes. Try to make it responsive to smaller screens using media query or any other means

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

@umang-sinha ok, then i will add control on the left side of slider and i will reduce amount of cards according to table size.

shikha-16 commented 3 years ago

@greyGroot updates? when will you be done by?

greyGroot commented 3 years ago

@shikha-16 i will have time to work on this one only on the weekends

shikha-16 commented 3 years ago

@shikha-16 i will have time to work on this one only on the weekends

Please set a deadline so that you are motivated to work, and we have something to work with as well. @greyGroot