shikijs / shiki

A beautiful yet powerful syntax highlighter
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`@shikijs/rehype`: support for inline code #660

Open jeremt opened 2 months ago

jeremt commented 2 months ago

Clear and concise description of the problem

There is no support for highlighting inline code (similarly to rehype-pretty-code). It would be nice to be able to highlight something like console.log('coucou').

Suggested solution

Apply highlighting when there is something like `console.log('coucou'){:js}`


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antfu commented 2 months ago

It would be a good feature to have - however I don't know what syntax we should follow as there is not standard right now. I see people doing

souporserious commented 2 months ago

In my own parser, I parse a prefix that works similar to normal triple slash code blocks: `js const a = 'a'`

And similarly these can be tagged with a filename: `filename.js const a = 'a'`

The presence of the space is used to determine if it needs highlighting, so this wouldn't be highlighted for example: `js`

The idea was to bring familiarity with how it's already done in code blocks. However, this does unfortunately look weird in raw markdown since it's embedded in the code snippet.

fuma-nama commented 2 weeks ago

I think `code{:js}` will be better since people migrating from rehype-pretty-code will need it and it shouldn't break existing transformers (theoretically). This doesn't follow the standard markdown format and I'm not sure if any change to Shiki core/transformers is needed to support this feature.