Open Alfamari opened 1 month ago
Additionally the output for returning no results is very slightly different. (Honestly, doesn't really seem noteworthy but I thought I'd document the difference and leave it up to the developer.)
In the past, scoop would also output pure strings and not powershell objects. At some point I tried to see how a non-powershell program can output powershell objects, but I did not find the solution. Does anyone know how this is done?
Well if it can output into a structured format, powershell does have ways of converting raw strings into objects:
Easiest method using standardized formats: ConvertFrom-Json (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn ConvertFrom-Csv (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn
Can utilize customized non-standardized structured formats but much more annoying: ConvertFrom-String (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn ConvertFrom-StringData (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn
I don't think that would be wanted though. If this were to be implemented I think it should directly output powershell objects
Following the instructions of:
Behaves just like scoop search and returns identical output. If any differences are found please open an issue.
Apart from being visually different, it also loses its ability for powershell object filtering/manipulation.
The offending command causing the error with the
env var set:Output
```Commandline arguments: args.ParsedArgs{ .query = { 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }, .hook = false, .allocator = mem.Allocator{ .ptr = anyopaque@87975ff080, .vtable = mem.Allocator.VTable{ .alloc = fn (*anyopaque, usize, u8, usize) ?[*]u8@3e20d0, .resize = fn (*anyopaque, []u8, u8, usize, usize) bool@3e2170, .free = fn (*anyopaque, []u8, u8, usize) void@3e21c0 } } } env:SCOOP= env:USERPROFILE=C:\Users\alfamari env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME= Scoop config file path: C:\Users\alfamari/.config/scoop/config.json Scoop config file contents: { "last_update": "2024-09-20T01:04:17.4222547-05:00", "scoop_repo": "", "scoop_branch": "master", "root_path": "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Scoop", "global_path": "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Scoop", "aria2-enabled": true } Scoop home: D:\Program Files (x86)\Scoop Found bucket: D:\Program Files (x86)\Scoop/buckets/extras Worker count: 8 Found 5 matches Found bucket: D:\Program Files (x86)\Scoop/buckets/main Worker count: 8 Found 2 matches Done searching 'extras' bucket: anaconda3 (2024.06-1) --> includes 'python.exe' fontforge (20230101) --> includes 'ffpython.exe' mambaforge (24.7.1-0) --> includes 'python.exe' miniconda3 (24.7.1-0) --> includes 'python.exe' paraview (5.13.0) --> includes 'pvpython.exe' 'main' bucket: python (3.12.6) winpython ( ```