Style Views, (and Based on roles - later) display data
[x] 1. Login - Sandra
[x] 2. Course creation page - Sandra
[x] 3. Course listing page - Sandra
[x] 4. Assignment creation page - Sandra
[x] 5. Assignment Details page with Plagiarism and Run Build buttons - Sandra
[x] 6. Submission listing partial - Sandra
[x] 7. Dashboard
[x] 8. Submission Detail View, with test results and feedback and grade. - Sandra
[x] 9. Course Detail View, with test assignments and teams list. - Sandra
[ ] 10. add validation to all forms. - Sandra
[ ] 11. Look into making the course / submissions table editable with hover that shows icons just like shown in invoice.html of the admix theme. - Sanda / Shilpa
[ ] 12. Try to use the dynamic table style of Edumix with accordion to display users of a team or feedback etc
[x] 13. Checkbox for each submission to pick for the MOSS comparison - Sandra / Shilpa
[x] 14. Student and student invitation per course listing - Sandra / Shilpa
[x] 15. Instructor and instructor invitation per course listing - Sandra / Shilpa
Student / Instructors invitation and list
[x] Students in a course with invitations and capability to import a csv and/or add a single student Sanda / Shilpa
[x] Student CSV and invite needs only name, email, Uni ID and team(?). Sanda / Shilpa
[x] Student list should include link to repository Sanda / Shilpa
[ ] Should be able to resend a single invite Sanda / Shilpa
[x] Instructors in a course with invitations and capability to add a single instructor (We need to mention that the instructor being invited must have owner/admin access to the org) Sanda / Shilpa
[x] Figure out why page needs a refresh for javascript to work - Sandra
[x] Editing a submission doesn't work because it is a nested form - Shilpa
Major Features
[x] Adding submissions to an assignment whenever it is created or when a student/team is added to the course - Shilpa
[x] Adding students to a course with invitation model - Shilpa
[x] csv import - Nakisa
[x] Team creation - Shilpa
[x] Display students by team?
[x] Action to run all tests for all submissions on the assignment page and MOSS plagiarism check - Shilpa
[x] Split my parsers based on the assignment build environment. Start with maven project. - Shilpa
[x] Plagiarism result should not public, obtain plagiarsim result from Buildkite. - Nakisa
[x] A rails job that calls an operation that pulls the sha commit after deadline. Check if the deadline is different, if yes then die. - Alex
[x] Publishing of a course - Alex
[x] Looking into using a students github UID to give collaborator access. - Alex
[x] Publishing of an assignment - Alex
Publishing of an assignment / course
[ ] Disable form fields that can't be changed - Sandra
[ ] Validation in the controller to prevent updates (other than deadline) after publishing
[ ] Connect the publish button to a publish action in the controller to run the composable operations.
GitHub Integration (Alex)
[x] Create repo helper
[x] Create empty branch helper
[x] Add Permissions/Collaborators to a repo helper
[x] Create a secret EasyHandin team on the organization
[x] Give read access of a student repo to the Easy Handin team
[x] Handle specific and general errors. Look into how to provide relevant error messages/codes to the controller.
Style Views, (and Based on roles - later) display data
Student / Instructors invitation and list
Major Features
Publishing of an assignment / course
GitHub Integration (Alex)