shima11 / FlexiblePageControl

A flexible UIPageControl like Instagram.
MIT License
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is it possible to show stationary number of dots as default? #41

Open hungwei0331 opened 4 years ago

hungwei0331 commented 4 years ago

hello, thanks for the amazing PageControl first,

I would like to ask,

when numberOfPages greater than displayCount

the default dots only display for 3 dots, others are hidden/clear color

is it possible to set always 5 dots?

it my config below

static let pageControlConfig = FlexiblePageControl.Config( displayCount: 5, dotSize: 6, dotSpace: 4, smallDotSizeRatio: 0.5, mediumDotSizeRatio: 0.7 )

jmuseyibli commented 3 years ago

Hi, @hungwei0331! Did you find a solution to your case?

hungwei0331 commented 3 years ago

@jmuseyibli this libary dispay page number start with -2 when itemCount >= displayCount so I set displayCount to 7 work around

jmuseyibli commented 3 years ago
