Closed truebigsand closed 1 week ago
Having the same issue. Here's a minimal reproducible example using 3-channel Mats. The length of the returned Span is only Width x Height instead of 3 x Width x Height.
static void ReproduceIndexOutOfRange()
// Read a jpeg image of format 3-channel 10x20 pixels
Mat testImage8u = new(10, 20, MatType.CV_8UC3);
Span<byte> testImageData = testImage8u.AsSpan<byte>();
for (int i = 0; i < testImage8u.Channels() * testImage8u.Rows * testImage8u.Cols; i++)
testImageData[i] = 255; // IndexOutOfRangeException at i = 200
Cv2.ImShow("testImage8u", testImage8u);
But it's not like the span points to a single channel of the image. If I set the bound of the loop to testImage8u.Rows * testImage8u.Cols
instead of three times of that to avoid IndexOutOfRangeException like so:
static void ReproduceIndexOutOfRange()
// Read a jpeg image of format 3-channel 10x20 pixels
Mat testImage8u = new(10, 20, MatType.CV_8UC3);
Span<byte> testImageData = testImage8u.AsSpan<byte>();
for (int i = 0; i < testImage8u.Rows * testImage8u.Cols; i++)
testImageData[i] = 255;
Cv2.ImShow("testImage8u", testImage8u);
The resulting image looks like this
OpenCvSharp version: Os: Linux .NET version: 8.0.108
Summary of your issue
I'm currently working on converting Mat to Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors.Tensor\<T>. To be efficient, I used mat.AsSpan() to manually access the data in a CV_8UC3 image. However, it always comes OutOfRange. Referring to the source code below:
Maybe it should consider the size of T and gets the length like
What did you do when you faced the problem?
Accessing from mat.DataPointer directly just works.
Example code:
What did you intend to be?