shimmerjs / allthingsopen-2017

Information, discussion, notes from All Things Open 2017
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10/23: secdevops #2

Open shimmerjs opened 7 years ago

shimmerjs commented 7 years ago



why automation

typical enterprise ratio: 100:10:1

security champion (spotify model)

dev from each team, spending a small amount of time to gain proficiency and lead their team in automating and implementing security

should represent the voice of securityw hile still performing some duties as an application developer


the gain is in cycles that are no longer spent addressing security issues post-deployment and at the end of the application lifecycle.

balancing feature delivery vs doing it correctly

average timeframe to adopt devops is 18 months


OWASP top 10 application vulnerabilities

8 secure design principles from salzter and schroeder

  1. economy of mechanism: keep design simple -- fill in rest later --

owasp/wasc web hacking incident database


not simple to apply patches in these scenarios. frameworks need to be upgraded, tests ran with new environments, before you can apply patch and update it.

layered security defense when possible

can we get the patch out in 12 hours?

owasp 'juice shop'

great team exercise, gamifies the finding of vulnerabilities and can be done over a lunch break, available on github


can we get our patch out in hours - days?

open design principle