the field "imputation" below has a default value definition that stops DdlParse to go farther.
If you remove this default value definition (comment provided below), parsing is going on fine with the lastest columns.
This DDL is coming from a PG dump:
-- PostgreSQL database dump
-- Dumped from database version 9.6.22
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.6.22
the field "imputation" below has a default value definition that stops DdlParse to go farther. If you remove this default value definition (comment provided below), parsing is going on fine with the lastest columns.
This DDL is coming from a PG dump:
Example provided:
character varying
seems to be handled by regex atddlparse/ 202
but I did not yet find the issue.I'll submit a PR if I find the issue, but not yet. Thank you