shinigami212 / hecktoberfest

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Python Programming Challenges | Feel free to pick any challenge that interests you and start coding! Happy coding! šŸš€ #35

Open shinigami212 opened 1 year ago

shinigami212 commented 1 year ago

Hi šŸ‘‹, I'm Nitesh Kumar

A passionate frontend developer from India

Languages and Tools:


Python Programming Challenges

Welcome to a collection of fundamental Python programming challenges! These exercises are designed to help you practice and improve your Python programming skills. Each challenge comes with a brief description and a code snippet to get you started.

Basic Concepts

  1. Hello, World!: Print "Hello, World!" to the console.

  2. Sum of Two Numbers: Calculate and display the sum of two numbers.

  3. Product of Two Numbers: Calculate and display the product of two numbers.

  4. Factorial: Find and display the factorial of a given number.

  5. Even or Odd: Check if a number is even or odd.

  6. Prime Number Check: Check if a number is prime.

  7. Largest Among Three: Find and display the largest among three numbers.

  8. Smallest Among Three: Find and display the smallest among three numbers.

Mathematical Operations

  1. Square Root: Calculate and display the square root of a number.

  2. Power: Calculate and display the result of a^b.

  3. Sum of Even Numbers: Find and display the sum of all even numbers between 1 and N.

  4. Sum of Odd Numbers: Find and display the sum of all odd numbers between 1 and N.

  5. Average of N Numbers: Calculate and display the average of N numbers.

  6. GCD (Greatest Common Divisor): Find and display the GCD of two numbers.

  7. LCM (Least Common Multiple): Find and display the LCM of two numbers.

String Manipulation

  1. Reverse a Number: Reverse and display a given number.

  2. Palindrome Check: Check if a string is a palindrome.

  3. Count Vowels and Consonants: Count and display the number of vowels and consonants in a string.

  4. Convert to Uppercase: Convert a lowercase string to uppercase.

  5. Convert to Lowercase: Convert an uppercase string to lowercase.

  6. String Length: Calculate and display the length of a string.

  7. String Concatenation: Concatenate two strings.

  8. Substring Check: Check if a string contains a specific substring.

  9. Remove Spaces: Remove spaces from a string.

  10. Count Words: Count the number of words in a string.

List Manipulation

  1. Largest Element: Find and display the largest element in a list.

  2. Smallest Element: Find and display the smallest element in a list.

  3. Sum of List Elements: Calculate and display the sum of all elements in a list.

  4. Average of List Elements: Calculate and display the average of elements in a list.

  5. Element Search: Search for an element in a list.

  6. Ascending Sort: Sort a list in ascending order.

  7. Descending Sort: Sort a list in descending order.

  8. Second Largest Element: Find and display the second largest element in a list.

  9. Second Smallest Element: Find and display the second smallest element in a list.

Advanced Topics

  1. Fibonacci Series: Generate and display the Fibonacci series up to N terms.

  2. Binary Search: Implement a binary search algorithm.

  3. Triangle Area: Calculate and display the area of a triangle given its base and height.

  4. Circle Area: Calculate and display the area of a circle given its radius.

  5. Rectangle Area: Calculate and display the area of a rectangle given its length and width.

  6. Square Area: Calculate and display the area of a square given its side length.

Number Conversions

  1. Decimal to Binary: Convert a decimal number to binary.

  2. Binary to Decimal: Convert a binary number to decimal.

  3. Decimal to Hexadecimal: Convert a decimal number to hexadecimal.

  4. Hexadecimal to Decimal: Convert a hexadecimal number to decimal.

  5. Sum of Digits: Calculate and display the sum of digits of a number.

  6. Product of Digits: Calculate and display the product of digits of a number.

  7. Palindrome Check for Numbers: Check if a number is a palindrome.

  8. Prime Factors: Find and display the prime factors of a number.

Bonus Challenge

  1. Simple Calculator: Implement a simple calculator (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

Feel free to pick any challenge that interests you and start coding! Happy coding! šŸš€

camren88 commented 1 year ago

Please assign me

Atheke commented 1 year ago

I would like to work on a python GUI calculator

eshita241 commented 1 year ago

please assign me List Manipulation