shining-man / bsc_fw

Firmware battery safety controller (BSC)
MIT License
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MQTT esp32Temp is logged in Fahrenheit (should be Celsius) #28

Closed NemoN closed 1 year ago

NemoN commented 1 year ago
Bildschirm­foto 2023-02-22 um 12 28 04

I can touch the ESP32, so 29 Degree Celsius fits better

NemoN commented 1 year ago

shining-man commented 1 year ago

I have already converted it to Fahrenheit: return (temprature_sens_read() - 32) / 1.8;

For me it shows 53-60°C, which is high but I can still imagine since it is the core temperature. 85°C also seems very high to me.

I will do a thermography, then we can see the temperatures, at least of the case and the board.

shining-man commented 1 year ago

Temperatur ist aus den MQTT Messages entfernt, da sie unzuverlässig ist.