Open TtuxX opened 2 years ago
Hi, Normally, ncdownloader updates the download folder as new files are downloaded to it, and it also does so when a download is finished or when you click on any file links in the ncdownloader interface. It is probably caused by filesystem_check_changes
I can confirm that I had that issue but with youtube downloads(as i'm not torrenting i guess it happened to everything that has been downloaded) and today's update of the NCDownloader fixed the issue.
If you encounter such a problem in future you can create a bash script that checks the last known size of downloads folder, compares it to current size and if it's not equal then it's scanning it by command - cron job every 5 minutes works good.
piece of shit but it works:
lastuser1size=`cat /home/strona/ytsync/lastuser1.log`
lastuser2size=`cat /home/strona/ytsync/lastuser2.log`
user1size=`du -s /var/www/nextcloud/data/user1/files/Pobrano | cut -f1`
user2size=`du -s /var/www/nextcloud/data/user2/files/Downloads | cut -f1`
if [ $user1size -ne $lastuser1size ];
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all --path="user1/files/Pobrano"
echo "Synchronied NC with catalog content"
echo $user1size > /home/strona/ytsync/lastuser1.log
echo "Time to sleep..."
sleep 60
echo "Synchronization unwanted."
if [ $user2size -ne $lastuser2size ];
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all --path="user2/files/Downloads"
echo "Synchronized NC with catalog content"
echo $user2size > /home/strona/ytsync/lastuser2.log
echo "Time to sleep..."
sleep 60
echo "Synchronization unwanted"
Hi there @shiningw :)
I hope you are doing fine.
When downloading the following torrent from BitSearch the file gets downloaded but never appears in Nextcloud Files while command line reveals it is however indeed fully downloaded in the right folder.
The config.php parameter 'filesystem_check_changes' => 1, was not enabled on my instance in hope to get better folder loading speed.
Would it be possible to trigger an occ scan of each downloaded file at the end of the download routine in order to be sure the file appears in Nextcloud Files even if the administrator has not enabled 'filesystem_check_changes' config option ?