shinken-monitoring / mod-webui

Shinken Web User Interface
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
79 stars 71 forks source link

Can't login on my Webui #586

Closed Aornn closed 6 years ago

Aornn commented 6 years ago

HI ! I've installed Shinken on a VM (debian 9.1 / Kernel : Linux 4.9.0-3-amd64), and when i try to log on the webui i have the message : "Warning! Invalid user or Password" while my admin.cfg is correct :/

define contact{
    use             generic-contact
    contact_name    admin
    contactgroups   admin,users
    email           shinken@localhost
    pager           0600000000   ; contact phone number
    password        admin
    is_admin        1
    expert      1


## Module:      webui
## Loaded by:   Broker
# The Shinken web interface and integrated web server.
define module {
    module_name         webui
    module_type         webui
    host           ; All interfaces =
    port                7767
    auth_secret         CHANGE_ME   ; CHANGE THIS or someone could forge cookies
    allow_html_output   1       ; Allow or not HTML chars in plugins output.
                                ; WARNING: Allowing can be a security issue.
    max_output_length   1024     ; Maximum output length for plugin output in webui
    manage_acl          1       ; Use contacts ACL. 0 allow actions for all.
    play_sound          0       ; Play sound on new non-acknowledged problems.
    login_text          Welcome on Shinken WebUI    ; Text in the login form.

    ## Modules for WebUI
    # - auth-htpasswd         = Use an htpasswd file for auth backend.
    # - auth-active-directory = Use AD for auth backend (and retrieve photos).
    # - auth-cfg-password     = Use the password setted in Shinken contact for auth.
    # - ui-pnp                = Use PNP graphs in the UI.
    # - ui-graphite           = Use graphs from Graphite time series database.
    # - mongodb               = Save user preferences to a Mongodb database
    # - SQLitedb              = Save user preferences to a SQLite database
    modules auth-cfg-password, SQLitedb
    ## Advanced Options
    # Don't play with them on your production server ;)
    #http_backend            auto    ; Choice is: auto, wsgiref or cherrypy if available
    #remote_user_enable      1       ; If WebUI is behind a web server which
                                     ; has already authentified user, enable.
    #remote_user_enable      2       ; Look for remote user in the WSGI environment
                                     ; instead of the HTTP header. This allows
                                     ; for fastcgi (flup) and scgi (flupscgi)
                                     ; integration, eg. with the apache modules.
    #remote_user_variable    X_Remote_User  ; Set to the HTTP header containing
                                     ; the authentificated user s name, which
                                     ; must be a Shinken contact.
    # If you got external plugins (pages) to load on webui


Thanks :D

maethor commented 6 years ago

Hi @Aornn webui (version 1) is not supported anymore, so please uninstall the webui package and install "webui2" instead. I will be happy to offer support on the last version.

Note: I will try to remove webui from, because it should be installable.

Aornn commented 6 years ago

Hi ! So, i install webui2 and i have the same error :( if you need it this is my broker-master.cfg

# BROKER (S1_Broker)
# Description: The broker is responsible for:
# - Exporting centralized logs of all Shinken daemon processes
# - Exporting status data
# - Exporting performance data
# - Exposing Shinken APIs:
#   - Status data
#   - Performance data
#   - Configuration data
#   - Command interface
define broker {
    broker_name     broker-master
    address         localhost
    port            7772
    spare           0

    ## Optional
    manage_arbiters     1   ; Take data from Arbiter. There should be only one
                            ; broker for the arbiter.
    manage_sub_realms   1   ; Does it take jobs from schedulers of sub-Realms?
    timeout             3   ; Ping timeout
    data_timeout        120 ; Data send timeout
    max_check_attempts  3   ; If ping fails N or more, then the node is dead
    check_interval      60  ; Ping node every N seconds

    ## Modules
    # Default: None
    # Interesting modules that can be used:
    # - simple-log              = just all logs into one file
    # - livestatus              = livestatus listener
    # - tondodb-mysql           = NDO DB support (deprecated)
    # - npcdmod                 = Use the PNP addon
    # - graphite                = Use a Graphite time series DB for perfdata
    # - webui                   = Shinken Web interface
    # - glpidb                  = Save data in GLPI MySQL database
    # Comma separated list of modules
    modules webui2

    # Enable https or not
    use_ssl           0
    # enable certificate/hostname check, will avoid man in the middle attacks
    hard_ssl_name_check   0

    ## Advanced
    realm   All

and my webui2.cfg

## Module:      WebUI
## Loaded by:   Broker
# The Shinken web interface and integrated web server.
define module {
   module_name         webui2
   module_type         webui2

   ## Modules for WebUI
   ## User authentication:
   # - auth-cfg-password (internal) : Use the password set in Shinken contact for auth.
   # - auth-htpasswd (internal)     : Use an htpasswd file for auth backend.
   # You may remove the modules 'auth-cfg-password' and 'auth-htpasswd' from your
   # configuration because the WebUI embeds those authentication methods.
   # - auth-alignak (internal)      : Use alignak backend to authenticate users.
   # This new authentication feature is used to authenticate a user near Alignak backend.
   # You may use these external modules:
   # - auth-ws-glpi                 : Use the Glpi Web Services for user authentication
   # - auth-active-directory        : Use AD for auth backend (and retrieve photos).

   # htpasswd (apache like) file containing username/passwords
   # Use an Apache htpasswd file or build your own (
   #htpasswd_file               /etc/shinken/htpasswd.users

   # Alignak backend endpoint
   # Configure this value to activate the Alignak backend authentication module

   # Use Alignak backend objects instead of Shinken objects
   # NOTE : this feature is still experimental and should never be used in a production environment!
   # *******************************
   #alignak_backend_objects      1
   # *******************************

   ## Modules for WebUI
   ## Graphs:
   # You may use these external modules:
   # - ui-pnp                : Use PNP graphs in the UI.
   # - ui-graphite2          : Use graphs from Graphite time series database.

   ## Modules for WebUI
   ## Storage:
   # - mongodb (internal)    : Save user preferences to a Mongodb database
   #                         : Get hosts/services availability from a Mongodb database
   #                         : Get Shinken logs and hosts history from a Mongodb database
   # You may remove the module 'mongodb' from your configuration because the WebUI
   # embeds this storage module.
   # You may also use those external modules:
   # - SQLitedb              : Save user preferences to a SQLite database

   # Mongodb parameters for internal Web UI modules
   # NOTE: Do not change these parameters unless you are using the 'mongo-logs' module
   # with different parameters than the default ones.

   # Database URI
   #uri                        mongodb://localhost

   # If you are running a MongoDB cluster (called a “replica set” in MongoDB),
   # you need to specify it's name here.
   # With this option set, you can also write the mongodb_uri as a comma-separated
   # list of host:port items. (But one is enough, it will be used as a “seed”)

   # Database name where to fetch the logs/availability collections
   #database                   shinken
   # User authentication for database access

   # Logs collection name
   #logs_collection            logs

   # Hosts availability collection name
   #hav_collection             availability

   ## Modules for WebUI
   ## Helpdesk:
   # You may use this external modules:
   # - glpi-helpdesk         : Get hosts information from an helpdesk application
   #                         : Notify helpdesk for hosts problems

   ## Declare the list of external modules
   modules auth-cfg-password, SQLite

   # Web server configuration
   #Default is listening on 7767 port on all interfaces
   #host                   ; All interfaces =
   #port                       7767

   # Authentication secret for session cookie
   # 1/ Define here a secret string used to sign session cookie
   # auth_secret                CHANGEME
                              ; CHANGE THIS or someone could forge cookies
   # 2/ Define here a file that will store an auto-generated secret (more secure)
   # This configuration is more secure than the previous one ...
   auth_secret_file           /var/lib/shinken/auth_secret

   # Session cookie name
   cookie_name                user_session

   # WebUI information
   # Overload default information included in the WebUI
   #about_version              2.0
   #about_copyright            (c) 2013-2015 - License GNU AGPL as published by the FSF, minimum version 3 of the License.
   #about_release              Bootstrap 3 User Interface - complete User Interface refactoring

   # Configuration directory
   #config_dir                 /var/lib/shinken/config/

   # Share directory
   #share_dir                  /var/lib/shinken/share/

   # Photos directory
   #photos_dir                 /var/lib/shinken/share/photos/

   # For external plugins to load on webui

   # Login form
   # Welcome text in the login form.
   # Default is no login text
   login_text                 Login to the Shinken WebUI - Live System

   # Company logo in the login form and header bar
   # company_logo property is suffixed with .png and searched in photos_dir
   # Default logo is used if company_logo is not found in photos_dir
   # Default logo is always used if company_logo property is empty
   # Default logo is default_company.png (Shinken logo) in webui/htdocs/images
   #company_logo               my_company

   #allow_html_output          1
                              ; Allow or not HTML chars in plugins output.
                              ; WARNING: Allowing can be a security issue.

   #tag_as_image               0
                              ; Use image if available for elements' tags
                              ; Monitoring packs may include an image for the host/service tag
                              ; WebUI also has some tags as images

   #play_sound                 1
                              ; Play sound on new non-acknowledged problems.

   # Gravatar image for logged in users
   # Default is 0
   #gravatar                   0
                              ; If gravatar=0, image used is username.png in webui/htdocs/images/logo
                              ; If not found, default is default_user.png in webui/htdocs/images/logo

   # Refresh period
   # Default value is 60 seconds
   #refresh_period             60
                              ; Number of seconds between each page refresh
                              ; 0 to disable refresh

   # Visual alerting thresholds
   # Used in the dashboard view to select background color for percentages
   #hosts_states_warning       95
   #hosts_states_critical      90
   #services_states_warning    95
   #services_states_critical   90

   # WebUI timezone (default is Europe/Paris)
   #timezone                  Europe/Paris

   # Manage contacts ACL
   # 0 allows actions for all contacts
   # 1 allows actions only for contacts whose property 'is_admin' equals to 1
   # Default is 1
   #manage_acl                 1

   # Allow anonymous access for some pages
   # 0 always disallow
   # 1 allows anonymous access if an anonymous
   # contact is declared in the Shinken configuration
   # Default is 0
   #allow_anonymous            0

   # Default Downtime scheduled from WebUI
   # If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end
   # at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
   # Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and
   # last for "duration" seconds.
   # The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds
   # since the UNIX epoch).
   # The specified host downtime can be triggered by another downtime entry
   # if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
   # Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the
   # specified host should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
   # Default is 48 hours
   #default_downtime_hours     48

   # Default Acknowledge parameters
   # If the "sticky" option is set to two (2), the acknowledgement will remain until
   # the host returns to an UP state. Otherwise the acknowledgement will
   # automatically be removed when the host changes state.
   # If the "notify" option is set to one (1), a notification will be sent out to
   # contacts indicating that the current host problem has been acknowledged.
   # If the "persistent" option is set to one (1), the comment associated with the
   # acknowledgement will survive across restarts of the Shinken process.
   # If not, the comment will be deleted the next time Shinken restarts.
   # -----
   # the acknowledgement will remain until the host returns to an UP state. Otherwise the acknowledgement will automatically be removed when the host changes state.
   # a notification will be sent out to contacts indicating that the current host/service problem has been acknowledged.
   # the comment associated with the acknowledgement will survive across restarts.

   ## Advanced Options for Bottle Web Server
   # Best choice is auto, whereas Bottle chooses the best server it finds amongst:
   # - [WaitressServer, PasteServer, TwistedServer, CherryPyServer, WSGIRefServer]
   # Install CherryPy for a multi-threaded server ...
   # ------------
   # Handle with very much care!
   #http_backend              auto
                              ; Choice is: auto, wsgiref or cherrypy if available

   # Specific options store in the serverOptions when invoking Bottle run method ...
   # ------------
   # Handle with very much care!
   #bindAddress               auto
                              ; bindAddress for backend server
   #umask                     auto
                              ; umask for backend server

   #remote_user_enable        1
                              ; If WebUI is behind a web server which
                              ; has already authentified user, enable.

   #remote_user_enable        2
                              ; Look for remote user in the WSGI environment
                              ; instead of the HTTP header. This allows
                              ; for fastcgi (flup) and scgi (flupscgi)
                              ; integration, eg. with the apache modules.

   #remote_user_variable      X_Remote_User
                              ; Set to the HTTP header containing
                              ; the authentificated user s name, which
                              ; must be a Shinken contact.
maethor commented 6 years ago

OK, thank you. I need some time to analyse this, I'll come back to you later.

maethor commented 6 years ago

@Aornn your broker and webui2 configs are looking good, so I think your contact is not properly declared. Do you include admin.cfg in the shinken.cfg?

maethor commented 6 years ago

Can you do this: sudo grep contact /var/log/shinken/arbiterd.log

And copy the output ?

Aornn commented 6 years ago

Ok thi is the output :

[1506671019] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/templates/generic-contact.cfg'
[1506671019] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/admins.cfg'
[1506671019] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/users.cfg'
[1506671019] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/guest.cfg'
[1506671019] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/admin.cfg'
[1506671019] WARNING: [Shinken] The host localhost has no contacts nor contact_groups in (/etc/shinken/hosts/localhost.cfg:1)
[1506671019] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contacts...
[1506671019] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 2 contacts
[1506671019] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contactgroups...
[1506671019] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 3 contactgroups
[1506671248] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/templates/generic-contact.cfg'
[1506671248] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/admins.cfg'
[1506671248] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/users.cfg'
[1506671248] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/guest.cfg'
[1506671248] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/admin.cfg'
[1506671248] WARNING: [Shinken] The host localhost has no contacts nor contact_groups in (/etc/shinken/hosts/localhost.cfg:1)
[1506671248] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contacts...
[1506671248] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 2 contacts
[1506671248] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contactgroups...
[1506671248] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 3 contactgroups
[1506671545] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/templates/generic-contact.cfg'
[1506671545] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/admins.cfg'
[1506671545] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/users.cfg'
[1506671545] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/guest.cfg'
[1506671545] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/admin.cfg'
[1506671545] WARNING: [Shinken] The host localhost has no contacts nor contact_groups in (/etc/shinken/hosts/localhost.cfg:1)
[1506671545] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contacts...
[1506671545] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 2 contacts
[1506671545] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contactgroups...
[1506671545] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 3 contactgroups
[1506674276] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/templates/generic-contact.cfg'
[1506674276] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/admins.cfg'
[1506674276] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/users.cfg'
[1506674276] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/guest.cfg'
[1506674276] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/admin.cfg'
[1506674276] WARNING: [Shinken] The host localhost has no contacts nor contact_groups in (/etc/shinken/hosts/localhost.cfg:1)
[1506674276] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contacts...
[1506674276] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 2 contacts
[1506674276] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contactgroups...
[1506674276] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 3 contactgroups
[1506674901] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/templates/generic-contact.cfg'
[1506674901] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/admins.cfg'
[1506674901] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/users.cfg'
[1506674901] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/guest.cfg'
[1506674901] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/admin.cfg'
[1506674901] WARNING: [Shinken] The host localhost has no contacts nor contact_groups in (/etc/shinken/hosts/localhost.cfg:1)
[1506674901] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contacts...
[1506674901] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 2 contacts
[1506674901] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contactgroups...
[1506674901] INFO: [Shinken]    Checked 3 contactgroups
maethor commented 6 years ago

Ok, so it looks like the arbiter is loading the contacts.

Can you paste the output of sudo shinken inventory?

And sudo cat /var/log/shinken/brokerd.log | grep auth-cfg-password?

Aornn commented 6 years ago

output of the second is :

[1506671021] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506671022] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506671022] INFO: [broker-master] [Cfg Password UI] Get an CFG/Password UI module for plugin auth-cfg-password
[1506671022] INFO: [broker-master] Trying to init module: auth-cfg-password
[1506671022] INFO: [broker-master] I correctly loaded the modules: [auth-cfg-password,SQLitedb]
[1506671249] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506671250] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506671250] INFO: [broker-master] [Cfg Password UI] Get an CFG/Password UI module for plugin auth-cfg-password
[1506671250] INFO: [broker-master] Trying to init module: auth-cfg-password
[1506671250] INFO: [broker-master] I correctly loaded the modules: [auth-cfg-password,SQLitedb]
[1506671547] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506671548] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506671548] INFO: [broker-master] [Cfg Password UI] Get an CFG/Password UI module for plugin auth-cfg-password
[1506671548] INFO: [broker-master] Trying to init module: auth-cfg-password
[1506671548] INFO: [broker-master] I correctly loaded the modules: [auth-cfg-password,SQLitedb]
[1506674278] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506674279] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506674401] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'admin101'
[1506674401] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: admin101
[1506674424] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'Admin'
[1506674424] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: Admin
[1506674431] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'admin101'
[1506674431] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: admin101
[1506674438] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'admin101'
[1506674438] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: admin101
[1506674903] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506674904] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] modules [<module type=cfg_password_webui name=auth-cfg-password />, <module type=sqlitedb name=SQLitedb />]
[1506674904] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded auth-cfg-password as an old-new-style shinken module :|
[1506674904] INFO: [broker-master] [Cfg Password UI] Get an CFG/Password UI module for plugin auth-cfg-password
[1506674904] INFO: [broker-master] Trying to init module: auth-cfg-password
[1506674904] INFO: [broker-master] I correctly loaded the modules: [auth-cfg-password,SQLitedb]
[1506674904] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded modules [<module type=cfg_password_webui name=auth-cfg-password />, <module type=sqlitedb name=SQLitedb />]
[1506674904] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Module found: auth-cfg-password
[1506674908] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Authenticating user 'admin' with auth-cfg-password
[1506674908] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'admin'
[1506674908] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: admin
[1506674915] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Authenticating user 'admin' with auth-cfg-password
[1506674915] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'admin'
[1506674915] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: admin
[1506676842] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Authenticating user 'admin' with auth-cfg-password
[1506676842] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'admin'
[1506676842] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: admin

Anf the first is : sqlitedb webui webui2 auth-cfg-password

maethor commented 6 years ago

OK. Now I'm kind of stuck honnestly. Can you empty the line "modules" in your webui2.cfg, and try again? auth-cfg-password should be embedded anyway.

Aornn commented 6 years ago

i've already do it earlier but it change nothing :/

maethor commented 6 years ago

Can you remove the "expert 1" line in contact definition. I don't think it can play a role but I don't see anything else.

Aornn commented 6 years ago

Nope same :( I really have no idea ...

maethor commented 6 years ago

sudo shinken inventory ?

Aornn commented 6 years ago

sudo shinken inventory

maethor commented 6 years ago

It seems I have auth-cfg-password. I don't know, can you try to install it?

I'm sorry I don't have time to investigate it further. I will do some tests later.

mohierf commented 6 years ago

@maethor, IMHO:

  1. sqlitedb module with the WebUI, not sure it does not have any side effects
  2. post the brokerd log | grep WebUI
maethor commented 6 years ago

@mohierf it seems that without the sqlite module it isn't working either. It's like the datamanager doesn't get populated by the objects.

maethor commented 6 years ago

@Aornn can you restart shinken, wait a few minutes, and get me all the output of grep WebUI /var/log/shinken/brokerd.log ?

maethor commented 6 years ago

And even all of the /var/log/shinken/broker.log if that's possible.

cyrilbkr commented 6 years ago

Hi, Same prob for me on a fresh install today

[1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] starting Web UI server on ... [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] user 'admin' is signing in ... [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Checking authentication for user: admin [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Requesting authentication for user: admin [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Authenticating user 'admin' [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Internal htpasswd authentication [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Internal alignak backend authentication [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Internal contact authentication [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'admin' [1506698964] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: admin [1506698964] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] The user 'admin' has not been authenticated. [1506698964] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] user 'admin' access denied, redirection to: /user/login?error=Invalid user or Password [1506698964] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] login page with error message: Invalid user or Password

maethor commented 6 years ago

@cyrilbecker can you paste me the output of sudo grep contact /var/log/shinken/arbiterd.log and sudo grep WebUI /var/log/shinken/brokerd.log ?

cyrilbkr commented 6 years ago

[1506698851] INFO: [broker-master] We received modules [] [1506698853] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] Can not import Alignak frontend library. If you intend to use Alignak backend authentication or objects, you should 'pip install alignak_backend_client' [1506698853] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded webui2 as an old-new-style shinken module :| [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Webui_broker directory: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2 [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] server: [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] cookie: user_session [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Config dir: /run/shinken/share [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Share dir: /run/shinken/share [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Photo dir: /run/shinken/photos [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Additional plugins dir: [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Setting our timezone to Europe/Paris [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] parameter timezone: Europe/Paris [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] got an instance of Webui_broker for module: webui2 [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] I correctly loaded the modules: [webui2] [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] Trying to init module: webui2 [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Initializing ... [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] Starting external module webui2 [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] Starting external process for instance webui2 [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] webui2 is now started ; pid=315 [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [webui2[315]]: Now running.. [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] modules [] [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] Correctly loaded webui2 as an old-new-style shinken module :| [1506698854] INFO: [broker-master] Try to open SQLite database at /var/lib/shinken/webui.db [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded modules [] [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] No module for AuthMetaModule. [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Module found: SQLitedb [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] mongo uri: mongodb://localhost [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] database: shinken, user: None [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] shinken logs collection: logs [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] hosts availability collection: availability [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] Trying to open a Mongodb connection to mongodb://localhost, database: shinken [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] connected to mongodb: mongodb://localhost [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] connected to the database: shinken [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] searching connection test item in the collection ... [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] updated connection test item [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-mongo-logs] database connection established [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] No module for GraphsMetaModule. You should configure the module 'graphite' in your broker and the module 'ui-graphite' in webui.cfg file to be able to display graphs. [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Created directory: /run/shinken/share [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Created directory: /run/shinken/photos [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] load plugins directory: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/helpdesk/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin helpdesk [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/groups/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin groups [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/wall/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin wall [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/dashboard/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin dashboard [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/eltdetail/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin eltdetail [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/problems/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin problems [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/dummy/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin dummy [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/commands/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin commands [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/notifications/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin notifications [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/lookup/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin lookup [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/cv_host/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin cv_host [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/worldmap/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-worldmap] loading configuration ... [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-worldmap] configuration loaded. [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-worldmap] configuration, params: {u'default_lat': 45.054148, u'hosts_level': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], u'services_level': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], u'default_zoom': 16, u'default_lng': 5.080625, u'layer': u''} [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin worldmap [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/config/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin config [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/ping/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin ping [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/action/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin action [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/impacts/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin impacts [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/login/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin login [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/logs/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-logs] Plugin configuration file: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/logs/plugin.cfg [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-logs] configuration loaded. [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-logs] configuration, fetching types: ['INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'] [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-logs] configuration, hosts: [] [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-logs] configuration, services: [] [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin logs [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/timeperiods/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin timeperiods [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/graphs/views [1506698855] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin graphs [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/system/views [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin system [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/depgraph/views [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin depgraph [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/availability/views [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin availability [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/forms/views [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin forms [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/minemap/views [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin minemap [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/avatar/views [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin avatar [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/user/views [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin user [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/contacts/views [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin contacts [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] plugin views dir: /var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/tags/views [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] loaded plugin tags [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/helpdesk/ticket_followup/add/:name' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/helpdesk/ticket/create/:name' <function create_ticket at 0x7f1934766500>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/helpdesk/tickets/:name' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/helpdesk/ticket_followup/create/:name' <function create_ticket_followup at 0x7f1934766578>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/widget/helpdesk' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/helpdesk/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/helpdesk'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/helpdesk/ticket/add/:name' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/hosts-groups' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/groups/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/groups'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/hosts-groups-dashboard' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/groups/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/groups'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/services-group/:name' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/groups/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/groups'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/services-groups' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/groups/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/groups'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/hosts-group/:name' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/groups/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/groups'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/contacts-groups' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/groups/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/groups'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/wall' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/wall/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/wall'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/dashboard' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/dashboard/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/dashboard'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/dashboard/currently' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/dashboard/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/dashboard'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/service/:host_name/:service#.+#' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/eltdetail/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/eltdetail'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/host/:host_name' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/eltdetail/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/eltdetail'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/problems' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/problems/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/problems'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/widget/problems' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/problems/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/problems'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/widget/last_problems' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/problems/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/problems'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/all' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/problems/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/problems'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/dummy/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/dummy/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/dummy'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/commands' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/commands/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/commands'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/widget/notification_toggle' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/notifications/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/notifications'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/lookup' <function lookup at 0x7f1934732aa0>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/cv//' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/cv_host/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/cv_host'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/widget/worldmap' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/worldmap/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/worldmap'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/worldmap' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/worldmap/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/worldmap'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/config' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/config/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/config'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/gotfirstdata' <function get_gotfirstdata at 0x7f19345a90c8>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/ping' <function get_ping at 0x7f19345a9050>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/action/:cmd#.+#' <function get_page at 0x7f19345a9758>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/impacts' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/impacts/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/impacts'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/widget/impacts' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/impacts/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/impacts'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <POST '/user/auth' <function user_auth at 0x7f19345ae500>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/login/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/login'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/user/logout' <function user_logout at 0x7f19345ae488>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/login/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/login'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/user/login' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/login/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/login'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/' <function get_root at 0x7f19345ae578>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/login/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/login'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <POST '/logs/set_hosts_list' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/logs/inner/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/logs/logs_type_list' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/logs/services_list' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/logs/hosts_list' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/logs' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/logs/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/logs'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <POST '/logs/set_logs_type_list' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <POST '/logs/set_services_list' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/timeperiods' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/timeperiods/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/timeperiods'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/graphs/:host_name' <function get_host_graphs at 0x7f19107d40c8>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/widget/graphs' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/graphs/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/graphs'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/graphs/:host_name/:service#.+#' <function get_service_graphs at 0x7f19107d4050>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/graph' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/graphs/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/graphs'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/widget/system' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/system/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/system'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/system' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/system/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/system'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/parameters' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/system/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/system'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/widget/depgraph' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/depgraph/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/depgraph'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/availability/inner/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/availability/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/availability'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/availability' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/availability/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/availability'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/downtime/delete/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/comment/delete_all/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/comment/add/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/acknowledge/add/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/submit_check/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/downtime/delete_all/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/downtime/add/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/comment/delete/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/acknowledge/remove/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/forms/change_var/' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/minemaps' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/minemap/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/minemap'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/minemap' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/minemap/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/minemap'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/avatar/:name' <function get_avatar at 0x7f19340f7848>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/avatar/svg/:name.svg' <function get_svg_avatar at 0x7f19340f7758>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/user/save_common_pref' <function save_common_pref at 0x7f19340c0140>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/user/get_common_pref' <function get_common_pref at 0x7f19340c0050>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/user/save_pref' <function save_pref at 0x7f19340c00c8>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/user/pref' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/user/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/user'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/user/get_pref' <function get_pref at 0x7f19340f7f50>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/contacts' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/contacts/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/contacts'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/contact/:name' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/contacts/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/contacts'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/services-tag/:name' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/tags/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/tags'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/hosts-tags' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/tags/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/tags'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/hosts-tag/:name' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/tags/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/tags'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/services-tags' {}> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/tags/:path#.+#' '/var/lib/shinken/modules/webui2/plugins/tags'> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/photos/:path#.+#' <webui2.module.Webui_broker object at 0x7f193c7ad050>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/logo/:path#.+#' <webui2.module.Webui_broker object at 0x7f193c7ad050>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/tag/:path#.+#' <webui2.module.Webui_broker object at 0x7f193c7ad050>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/static/:path#.+#' <webui2.module.Webui_broker object at 0x7f193c7ad050>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/favicon.ico' <function give_favicon at 0x7f19340922a8>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/opensearch.xml' <webui2.module.Webui_broker object at 0x7f193c7ad050>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] route: <GET '/modal/:path#.+#' <function give_modal at 0x7f1934092578>> [1506698856] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] starting Web UI server on ... [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] user 'admin' is signing in ... [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Checking authentication for user: admin [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Requesting authentication for user: admin [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Authenticating user 'admin' [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Internal htpasswd authentication [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Internal alignak backend authentication [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Internal contact authentication [1506698964] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'admin' [1506698964] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: admin [1506698964] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] The user 'admin' has not been authenticated. [1506698964] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] user 'admin' access denied, redirection to: /user/login?error=Invalid user or Password [1506698964] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] login page with error message: Invalid user or Password

cyrilbkr commented 6 years ago

[1506701672] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/templates/generic-contact.cfg' [1506701672] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/users.cfg' [1506701672] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contactgroups/admins.cfg' [1506701672] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/guest.cfg' [1506701672] INFO: [Shinken] Processing object config file '/etc/shinken/contacts/admin.cfg' [1506701672] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contacts... [1506701672] INFO: [Shinken] Checked 2 contacts [1506701672] INFO: [Shinken] Checking contactgroups... [1506701672] INFO: [Shinken] Checked 3 contactgroups

maethor commented 6 years ago

Just to be sure, can you try the user guest with password guest ?

cyrilbkr commented 6 years ago


[1506702852] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Requesting authentication for user: guest [1506702852] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Authenticating user 'guest' [1506702852] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Internal htpasswd authentication [1506702852] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Internal alignak backend authentication [1506702852] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI] Internal contact authentication [1506702852] INFO: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] Authenticating user 'guest' [1506702852] ERROR: [broker-master] [WebUI-auth-cfg-password] You need to have a contact having the same name as your user: guest [1506702852] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] The user 'guest' has not been authenticated. [1506702852] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] user 'guest' access denied, redirection to: /user/login?error=Invalid user or Password [1506702852] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] login page with error message: Invalid user or Password

maethor commented 6 years ago

Well. This is my last chance. Can you remove the SQLitedb module? Because you don't need it, the WebUI use natively MongoDB now.

If it's not enough, I don't know. I plan to install a demo from scratch, so it will be a nice occasion to test it.

One last question, what version of shinken are you using? How did you installed it?

cyrilbkr commented 6 years ago

My bad, I was using the last Shinken 3 build... I tried again with a fresh 2.4.3 and it works perfectly. Thanks

maethor commented 6 years ago

Oh, Thank god :+1:

@Aornn can you tell me what version you are using?

Aornn commented 6 years ago

Ho sorry i didn't seen the answers .. i try this !

Aornn commented 6 years ago

So ! grep WebUI /var/log/shinken/brokerd.log :

[1506938492] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] login page with error message: Invalid user or Password

cat /var/log/shinken/brokerd.log : [1506938492] WARNING: [broker-master] [WebUI] login page with error message: Invalid user or Password

Shinken version : 3.0 Webui Version : 2.6.0

Aornn commented 6 years ago

Ok so i think, i will try with a fresh 2.4.3 and do you have a link or something to it ?

maethor commented 6 years ago

Ok. Shinken 3 is not released yet and it is known to not work. I confirm you should really install 2.4.3.

How did you installed Shinken ? You should do it with pip, not with git clone.

Aornn commented 6 years ago

Ok now it's work ! thank you ! i dot it with a ".tar"

maethor commented 6 years ago

Great! :)

maethor commented 6 years ago

Have fun with the WebUI. And please don't hesitate to make comments or suggestions :)

Kay0093 commented 5 years ago


I have the same issue with Shinken, when login to the page I get "You didn't define a WebUI module for saving user preferences like the MongoDB one. You won't be able to use this page!" and localhost shows down.

mohierf commented 5 years ago

@Kay0093 : this message is not an error ... only a simple information. Check the Wiki for the doc about this

Kay0093 commented 5 years ago

thanks, i didn't find docs about it online. can you plz tell me which wiki? also, the locahost shows down. isn't that a problem?

mohierf commented 5 years ago

Wiki for the Web UI:

Localhost Down, I answered on your other issue #717 ... yes, it is a problem, but not related to the Web UI. What do your Shinken log say about it? Are you sure your host is checked?

Kay0093 commented 5 years ago

sorry, i am quite new to Shinken and also Dietpi / Raspberry pi. forgive me ignorance. is there a way i can check if is checked?