shinken-solutions / shinken

Flexible and scalable monitoring framework
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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New releases #1930

Open electrical opened 7 years ago

electrical commented 7 years ago


We use Shinken extensively in our infrastructure including some of the plugins ( livestatus api for example ) I noticed that a lot of the components ( especially the plugins ) haven't had any releases or commits for quite a long time.

Is shinken still actively being maintained and is any release planned or should we look for an alternative solution?

olivierHa commented 7 years ago


Shinken is a framework, so :

"Core/Framework" is maintained (see memory enhancement in June) , and there will be new releases and new features (like maintenance command).

Regarding plugins/addons, it is up to the maintainer, so it is hard to say.

PRs and help are always welcomed anyways :)

naparuba commented 7 years ago


[Ceci était un message demandant à la société Centreon de corriger une de leur publication au sujet des projets Shinken & opsbro, ce qu'ils vont faire. Sujet clôt]

Original post:


Thanks @olivierHa for your answer and dedicated work by the way _(/..)/ \(..\)_


Here is the full past history explanation:

A quick focus on "But why OpsBro?"

Shinken is a freaking powerful tool for monitoring experts. But you MUST be an expert to setup it. And it's OK if you have expert needs (and if you have a monitoring expert in your team...).

power 2

But nowadays, new teams don't have lot of experts. They have Ops that do lot of different things (and it's harder to be good at lot of things that to be an expert of only one specific subject). That's because the business (and a bit of marketing) is pushing them for this. You can't avoid it, it's just the way it evolve.

sad 2

So I think that there is a problem in some IT parts:

But there a no "just enough" tool that try to fix "common use cases" on all theses 6 topics.

You guess it, it's what OpsBro is \(^-^)/

hero 4

OpsBro do not solve all service discovery use cases, OpsBro do not solve all monitoring use cases too, OpsBro do not solve all metrology uses cases.

OpsBro will never be THE and only ONE IT tool. Because no tool can solve ALL theses 6 topics, never. It's just too much.

But Bro is done to help 80% of the users in theses 6 topics. It's done to link with expert tools of theses topics if the user need more in this specific topic.

And here is what I strongly believe: Big one put aside (Google, Netflix, ...) no one need experts tools on all theses 6 topics. They just need "just enough" in all the 6 topics, and maybe 1 or 2 link with an expert tool (like export local node checks into a Shinken to have bp_rule for example, or local node metrics into a graphite for Cluster wide average computation).

I did launch Shinken 8 years ago (already 8 years, time is just too fast...) to solve my own monitoring problems. But now I face lot of small It issues, I spawn new testing nodes, I need to install tools/chekcs on them, automatically add them into a HAProxy, etc etc.

I do not have big needs. I did try Puppet, chef, Ansible, Consul, and such tools. But guess what? killself

==> They are just TOO much for my needs. I don't want to have a full puppet setup just to have my ssh keys deployed every where (and remove when one of my employee leave).

That why I did start OpsBro (was named Kunai before). As it was shiny and breakable until now, it's where I did try all my UX-fu by putting the CLI as far as I can. And believe me, OpsBro is very far in CLI experience ^^ (Things I can't do so easily in Shinken because here I can't break a CLI call without add isues to the users that need to edit their scripts and production setup etc etc, that's why I did first try in OpsBro before get back all of this into Shinken when it will be rock solid production stable ^^).

Is OpsBro like a monitoring agent? Yes, it's like a monitoring agent, but it's more than just a monitoring agent. Because I think now just be a monitoring agent is not enough. We are in 2017, no more in 1999 when NRPE was started. nope 4

That's why I did put all my spare time into it, because I think it's the best I can do to help the most Ops I can in my small spare time (have 3 children is a good way to exponentially reduce your spare time ^^).

What's next so?

Ok Ok, we get the point about the past. (Other Ops project) + (my bad behavior of working alone without talk to others about what I'm doing) ==> a big mess in the Shinken framework project.


I don't think even in getting back in time I can fix all of these, so let's focus on the future:

Let's talk about it :)

I'm open to exchange about all of this, and I think in fact the more public it will be, the better it will be (for the project and for me ^^).

I know that some folks will pop out and explain all of this plan is bad, etc etc: peek But I can motive/assert all the points I did list before: master

The Ops habits and needs did change a lot since the last 8 years, let's have a plan to foresee the next 8 years prepare

IMPORTANT NOTE: some people (maliciously) used this post to say my customers that I'll quit my company (Shinken Solutions) and launch a new one based on OpsBro in order to break the incoming deals. This is just wrong. Bro wil just be included in the Enterprise suite but only when it will be production proof.

Ps: I have more than 300Gifs in stock, so if you want to only exchange ideas with gif I'm ready ^^ super power

Bierchermuesli commented 6 years ago

thanks @naparuba for your statement.

I think some people are a bit worried because the project looks a bit unmaintained from the outside world...

for example I suggest to better shut down instead of collecting spam. Let me know if I can support the project in a topic like this.

btw: why not join ? (long story?)

naparuba commented 6 years ago


Yes that's why the statement was here :)

For monitoring portal it's a freaking good idea! In fact the shinken forum was start when it was still nagios-portal, so it was difficult to set there, and then I never think again about it, but it's a very good idea in fact. I'll look at how manage the transition (archive this one and redirect every new post to there). But it can solve the bogus forum issue

Note: I already try to solve it lot of time with lot of re-captcha plugins and co, but in the end spams always wins :(

maethor commented 6 years ago

Hi @naparuba

"Things will be depreciated because user experience must prevail over powerful." You are completely right!

With that said, I encourage you to list everything that will be removed and to publish this list before Shinken 3 is released, to get advice from the community, or even to prepare them to find other workarounds.

Also, @electrical I would like to add that the Shinken WebUI, which I think is an important part of Shinken value, is still actively maintained.


naparuba commented 6 years ago

@maethor Yes I'll post the deprecated part before doing it, so we can exchange about it. But I think won't be a major problems, as it will be only part that are not used anyway ^^

maethor commented 6 years ago

I'm actually using triggers (It's not a problem, I must admit I can find others and easier ways to do it). So excuse me if I don't trust you on what you think is not used anyway :)

naparuba commented 6 years ago

I did post an edit to explain that I'll NOT quit my own company to build a new one based on OpsBro.

I though it was obvious, but seem that some of my french market opponent are prone to do dirty things to get my company down ^^

Good try guys, good try: grille

dacou commented 6 years ago

Hello, "First, and maybe the most important part: I plan to release the major part of the Shinken Enterprise into Open Source in the end of the year " Any news about this ?

JSFonta commented 5 years ago

Hey @naparuba , You talk about a new Shinken's version from Shinken-Solution. One year later, can you provide us more details please (Realease date/period) ? Also, thanks for all details and those wonderful gifs ;)