Shinken doesn't support Python3 yet, making it a bit tricky to install on newer operating systems like Rocky 8. However, I've put together a step-by-step guide for installation that I've personally tested and confirmed to work.
Shinken does not work because of Python's standard, which requires you to specify a version (Python2 or Python3, making this an annoying choice! But we don't want to deal with that here). So, we need to set Python alternative:
alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2
You should have something like that:
alternatives --list |grep python
python manual /usr/bin/python2
python3 auto /usr/bin/python3.6
Install PycURL with a Specific Version Required by Shinken:
Shinken doesn't support Python3 yet, making it a bit tricky to install on newer operating systems like Rocky 8. However, I've put together a step-by-step guide for installation that I've personally tested and confirmed to work.
I have integrated all this procedure on salt repository available here (with thruk integration):
My architecture:
Arbiter and thruk on dedicated VM Rocky8 for monitoring. No other service on it Poller/broker on a server with other thing runnint on it
Create user and group :
Install rpm dependencies for shinken:
Shinken does not work because of Python's standard, which requires you to specify a version (Python2 or Python3, making this an annoying choice! But we don't want to deal with that here). So, we need to set Python alternative:
You should have something like that:
Install PycURL with a Specific Version Required by Shinken:
Install shinken with pip:
Initialize Shinken and Install All Modules:
Reload systemd to Create Generic Service:
You should see a new service created by systemd-sysv-generator:
Now it should be workind without errors (working for me). You need to include your config file to make it work.