shinobukawano / Ext.ux.AccordionList

Accordion List Component for Sencha Touch 2
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How can i set emptyText in accordion list #22

Open dibishks opened 11 years ago

dibishks commented 11 years ago


Am using ur accordion list in my project, its working great..But small problem with set emptyText when there is no data to display in list i tried this way, but its not showing empty text..Can u guide me. Thanks in advance { xtype: 'accordionlist', store: Ext.create(''), flex: 1, cls:'testlistvalue', emptyText:'No Property to Show', listConfig: { plugins: [ { xclass: 'Ext.plugin.ListPaging', autoPaging: true, noMoreRecordsText: 'No More Properties'


jase88 commented 8 years ago

Sorry late answer, but if anybody still interested. Define emptyText property on listConfig like:

Ext.define('myTreeList', {
    extend: 'Ext.ux.AccordionList',
    xtype: 'mytreelist',

    config: {
        listConfig: {
            emptyText: 'empty list :('