shinsenter / defer.js

🥇 A lightweight JavaScript library that helps you lazy load (almost) anything. Defer.js is dependency-free, highly efficient, and optimized for Web Vitals.
MIT License
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For 3.7.0 #130

Closed shinsenter closed 6 months ago

shinsenter commented 6 months ago

With this release, you can now add more attributes to the tags generated by the Defer.css or Defer.js methods.

For example:

This will load the animate.css library lazily.

  var origin = '';

  Defer.css(origin + '/animate.min.css', {media: 'screen'}, 0, function () {'Animate.css is loaded.'); // debug

    // adds animation classes to demo blocks.
    Defer.dom('.demo', 100, 'animate__animated animate__fadeIn');

By adding {media: 'screen'}, the animate.css library will only load when the page is displayed on a screen-based device. The generated tag will look like:

<link media="screen" href="" rel="stylesheet">