"messages": [
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "(よし、今日はスカウトに集中だ\r\n町中から……公園の方も回ろう)",
"tl": "(Alright, today's scouting will be focused. From the town... going to the park."
"ch": "???",
"jp": "あの……",
"tl": "Um..."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "(とにかく足を使うんだ\r\n無駄な時間なんてないぞ……)",
"tl": "(I'm going to walk anyways, I have no time to waste...)"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "──あの、すみません",
"tl": "-Um, excuse me."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "よしっ! ……え?\r\n……お、俺ですか?",
"tl": "Alright!... Eh? A-Are you talking to me?"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "はい。突然声をかけたりして、すみません\r\n袖のボタンが落ちそうで、気になってしまって……",
"tl": "Yes, sorry for suddenly calling out to you. The button on your sleeve is loose, so I got curious..."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "えっ?\r\n……あ、本当だ",
"tl": "Eh?... Ah, you're right."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "すみません……ありがとうございます\r\n恥ずかしいところを見られちゃって……",
"tl": "Excuse me... Thank you for telling me, it's a little embarrasing to have let you seen it..."
"ch": "???",
"jp": "ふふ、いいえ~",
"tl": "Fufu, it's fine~"
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "ははは……",
"tl": "Hahaha..."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "(なんだろう……この人の笑顔、すごく優しいなぁ……)",
"tl": "(What is it... this person's smile is... very friendly.)"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "あの……よかったら、私に直させてもらえませんか?\r\n裁縫道具を持ってるんです",
"tl": "Um... if it's fine with you, could I help you fix it? I have the sewing equipment. "
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "えっ……いやいや!\r\nそんなことまでしてもらうわけには──",
"tl": "Eh... No, no! There's no need for any of-"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "でも、もう落ちちゃいそうですよ……?\r\nどうぞ、ご遠慮なさらず",
"tl": "But, it's about to fall down..? It's fine, no need to reject my offer."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "じゃ、じゃあ……\r\nお願いしちゃってもいいですか",
"tl": "T-Then, thank you very much."
"ch": "???",
"jp": "ええ\r\nちょっと失礼しますね",
"tl": "It's fine, excuse me for a bit."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "(つ、ついお願いしてしまった……\r\n笑顔に、つられちゃうんだよなあ……)",
"tl": "(I asked for it... I guess I should... smile?)"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "はい、できました♪",
"tl": "Alright, it's done."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "(自然とあったかい気持ちになるというか……)",
"tl": "(I feel a bit warm...)"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "……?",
"tl": "...?"
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "あっ……おおっ、あっという間ですね……!\r\n本当に、なんとお礼を言っていいか",
"tl": "Ah... That was quick...! Really, how can I say thank you?"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "いいえ、お役に立てて良かったです\r\nそれじゃあ、私はこれで……",
"tl": "It's fine, it was a pleasure to help you, now I'll..."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "あっ、ちょっと──",
"tl": "Ah, wait-"
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "あ……ええと……突然すみませんが……\r\nアイドルになってみませんか?",
"tl": "Ah... U-Um... I know it's kind of sudden... but would you like to be an idol?"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "えっ?\r\nアイドル、ですか?",
"tl": "Eh? Idol...?"
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "びっくりされましたよね、すみません",
"tl": "Sorry for startling you."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "実は俺、アイドルのプロデューサーをやっていて\r\n新人アイドルをスカウト中なんです",
"tl": "In reality, I'm actually an idol producer, I'm in the middle of searching for someone new."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "こんなところで急に、と思われるかもしれませんが……\r\nどうしてもあなたに惹きつけられてしまって!",
"tl": "In such a place and so suddenly... but I want you to be an idol!"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "え、ええと……そう、なんですね\r\n……でも、ごめんなさい",
"tl": "U-Umm... Is... that so... But, sorry."
"ch": "???",
"jp": "私、雑貨屋に勤めているんです\r\n今の仕事が好きですし……そういうのは、ちょっと",
"tl": "I've been working hard on my own store and I like that job very much... that's why."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "雑貨屋に……そうですか",
"tl": "A store... I see."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "そ、その……今の仕事を、辞めなくても構いません\r\nお休みの日に、まずはレッスンだけでも!",
"tl": "T-That... your current job won't be affected, you can do your lessons when you're on break!"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "いえ……そんな急に……",
"tl": "Eh... that rushingly..."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "では、お話だけでも!",
"tl": "I-I'm just saying!"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "あの……\r\nどうしてそこまで、私のことを?",
"tl": "Um... Why do you choose me?"
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "あなたなら、きっと素敵なアイドルになれると思うんです\r\nあなたの笑顔は、たくさんの人たちを元気づけられます!",
"tl": "I think you are fit for being an idol. Your smile can bring happiness to people all around!"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "たくさんの人たちを……私が……?",
"tl": "Bring happiness to everyone... me?"
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "はい!\r\nだから……どうか、お願いします!",
"tl": "Yes! That's why... please think about it!"
"ch": "???",
"jp": "……そこまで、言っていただけるなんて……",
"tl": "...When you say it like that... I don't know how to put it..."
"ch": "???",
"jp": "その……少し、お返事を待ってもらえるでしょうか\r\nちゃんと、考えてみますから",
"tl": "That... please give me time before I respond. I need to think about it."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "もちろんです! これ、事務所の連絡先なんですけど……\r\nいつでも待っていますから、連絡してください",
"tl": "Of course! This, you can contact the office... I'll always be waiting for your response."
"ch": "Chiyuki",
"jp": "あの……\r\nすみません、桑山千雪といいますが……",
"tl": "Um... Excuse me, my name is Chiyuki Kuwayama..."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "あっ!\r\nお待ちしていました、どうぞ!",
"tl": "Ah! I've been waiting for you, please!"
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "それで……\r\n急かすようですみません、この間の返事なんですが……",
"tl": "About that... I'm sorry that I'm in a hurry but here's my answer..."
"ch": "Chiyuki",
"jp": "はい\r\nスカウトのお誘い……受けさせてもらいます",
"tl": "I accept your offer."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "ほ、本当ですか!?",
"tl": "R-Really!?"
"ch": "Chiyuki",
"jp": "はい。自分には思いもよらないお話ですけど、\r\n「たくさんの人を笑顔に」って言葉が、忘れられなくて",
"tl": "Yes. I've been thinking about what you said. 'Everyone's smile'... I couldn't forget about that."
"ch": "Chiyuki",
"jp": "今のお仕事を続けながらでよろしければ……\r\nレッスンから、チャレンジさせてください",
"tl": "I want to continue my current job... but please challenge me to a lesson."
"ch": "Producer",
"jp": "もちろんです!\r\n……全力でサポートします!",
"tl": "Of course! ... YOu have my full support!"
"ch": "Chiyuki",
"jp": "まあ……! ありがとうございます\r\nよろしくお願いしますね、プロデューサーさん",
"tl": "Thank you very much! Glad to be working with you, Producer-san."
Scene translation