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[Bug]: Push notification on iOS causes multiple calls to OnReceived and app crashing #1500

Closed Yahya0007 closed 1 month ago

Yahya0007 commented 1 month ago


Push - Native (Shiny.Push)

What operating system(s) are effected?

Version(s) of Operation Systems

iOS 17.5.1

Hosting Model

Steps To Reproduce

Use repositiory WinForm app to send push notification. OnReceived is called multiple times and then app crashes.

This issue does not arise on Android. This issue has also not been reproduced when push is sent from Firebase Console.

Expected Behavior

OnReceived called without app crashing

Actual Behavior

App crashes after OnReceived is repeatedly called (approx 6, 7 times) and gives below;

2024-07-11 17:09:00.936 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48462] [Sentry] [debug] [SentryScope:125] Add breadcrumb: <SentryBreadcrumb: 0x302642480, { category = "Shiny.Hosting.IosLifecycleExecutor"; data = { eventId = LifecycleInfo; }; level = info; message = "Shiny.Push.PushManager handling lifecycle event for Shiny.Hosting.IIosLifecycle+INotificationHandler"; timestamp = "2024-07-11T16:09:00.935Z"; }>

Resolved pending breakpoint at 'PushDelegate.cs:77,1' to void PushDelegate.d10.MoveNext () [0x0002e]. Resolved pending breakpoint at 'PushDelegate.cs:84,1' to void PushDelegate.d10.MoveNext () [0x000b3]. Resolved pending breakpoint at 'PushDelegate.cs:60,1' to void PushDelegate.d__10.MoveNext () [0x0000f]. 2024-07-11 17:09:03.227 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48568] [Sentry] [warning] [SentryANRTracker:128] ANR detected.

2024-07-11 17:09:03.261 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48568] [Sentry] [debug] [SentryCrashStackCursor_SelfThread:65] Retrieving backtrace without async swift stitching... 2024-07-11 17:09:03.262 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48568] [Sentry] [debug] [SentryCrashStackCursor_SelfThread:78] Finished retrieving backtrace.

Thread started: #18 2024-07-11 17:09:04.673 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48462] [Sentry] [warning] [SentryANRTracker:92] ANR stopped.

2024-07-11 17:09:04.684 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48544] [Sentry] [debug] [SentryHttpTransport:274] sendAllCachedEnvelopes start.

2024-07-11 17:09:04.698 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48462] [Sentry] [debug] [SentryScope:125] Add breadcrumb: <SentryBreadcrumb: 0x302666e40, { category = "Shiny.Hosting.IosLifecycleExecutor"; data = { eventId = LifecycleInfo; }; level = info; message = "Shiny.Push.PushManager handling lifecycle event for Shiny.Hosting.IIosLifecycle+IRemoteNotifications"; timestamp = "2024-07-11T16:09:04.697Z"; }>

2024-07-11 17:09:04.674 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48544] [Sentry] [debug] [SentryFileManager:321] Writing envelope to path: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/06D008C6-8494-4BDE-801B-EEB31F0CBF0F/Library/Caches/io.sentry/e09ac66d052c65891d6daf79cfa562aeba38d827/envelopes/1720714144.674033-00003-32002FE2-AAF0-468F-9D38-050FB64F063C.json

2024-07-11 17:09:04.668 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48462] [Sentry] [debug] [SentryScope:125] Add breadcrumb: <SentryBreadcrumb: 0x302647a80, { category = "Shiny.Hosting.IosLifecycleExecutor"; data = { eventId = LifecycleInfo; }; level = info; message = "Shiny.Push.PushManager handling lifecycle event for Shiny.Hosting.IIosLifecycle+INotificationHandler"; timestamp = "2024-07-11T16:09:04.665Z"; }>

2024-07-11 17:09:04.694 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[570:48462] [Sentry] [debug] [SentryScope:125] Add breadcrumb: <SentryBreadcrumb: 0x302666dc0, { category = "Shiny.Hosting.IosLifecycleExecutor"; data = { eventId = LifecycleInfo; }; level = info; message = "Shiny.Push.PushManager handling lifecycle event for Shiny.Hosting.IIosLifecycle+IRemoteNotifications"; timestamp = "2024-07-11T16:09:04.693Z"; }>

The app has been terminated.

Exception or Log output

Below error is sometimes generated

System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported. at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NamespaceValueReference.get_Type() in D:\a_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\NamespaceValueReference.cs:line 62 at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.VisitInvocationExpression(InvocationExpressionSyntax node) in D:\a_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.cs:line 833 at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxVisitor1.Visit(SyntaxNode node) at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.VisitMemberAccessExpression(MemberAccessExpressionSyntax node) in D:\a\_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.cs:line 979 at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxVisitor1.Visit(SyntaxNode node) at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ObjectValueAdaptor.GetExpressionValue(EvaluationContext ctx, String exp) in D:\a_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\ObjectValueAdaptor.cs:line 1418 System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported. at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NamespaceValueReference.get_Type() in D:\a_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\NamespaceValueReference.cs:line 62 at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.VisitInvocationExpression(InvocationExpressionSyntax node) in D:\a_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.cs:line 833 at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxVisitor1.Visit(SyntaxNode node) at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.VisitMemberAccessExpression(MemberAccessExpressionSyntax node) in D:\a\_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.cs:line 979 at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxVisitor1.Visit(SyntaxNode node) at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ObjectValueAdaptor.GetExpressionValue(EvaluationContext ctx, String exp) in D:\a_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\ObjectValueAdaptor.cs:line 1418 System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported. at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NamespaceValueReference.get_Type() in D:\a_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\NamespaceValueReference.cs:line 62 at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.VisitInvocationExpression(InvocationExpressionSyntax node) in D:\a_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.cs:line 833 at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxVisitor1.Visit(SyntaxNode node) at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.VisitMemberAccessExpression(MemberAccessExpressionSyntax node) in D:\a\_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\NRefactoryExpressionEvaluatorVisitor.cs:line 979 at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxVisitor1.Visit(SyntaxNode node) at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ObjectValueAdaptor.GetExpressionValue(EvaluationContext ctx, String exp) in D:\a_work\1\s\External\debugger-libs\Mono.Debugging\Mono.Debugging.Evaluation\ObjectValueAdaptor.cs:line 1418 Thread started: #21 The app has been terminated.

Code Sample

A winform app to send test notifications.

On the app side there is only a return in OnReceived. A break point on return shows OnReceived is called six/seven times and then app crashes.

public class PushDelegate : IPushDelegate { public async Task OnReceived(PushNotification notification) { return; } }

Code of Conduct

aritchie commented 1 month ago

I NEED THE CLIENT CODE! My goodness dude... I make OSS for the client.

Yahya0007 commented 1 month ago

Hi Allan MAUI project here; I had to remove sensitive info. If needed I can provide unchanged project privately. Thanks Regards

aritchie commented 1 month ago
  1. You have push registered twice.

You only need one.

  1. Your exception log output has absolutely nothing to do with Shiny
  2. The sentry breadcrumb trail does show the steps into the pushdelegate, so my guess is something is in there that hasn't been shared.

NOTE: current firebase on iOS needs to be updated to v4.0 betas due to the change in bindings required for the firebase version.

Yahya0007 commented 1 month ago

Hi Allan Many thanks. Original complete PushDleegate code which inserts notification into sqlite table is here; This was reduced to narrow down the error. Thanks again

aritchie commented 1 month ago

I still can't see anything that would produce the ANR, but it is making it into the push delegate according to Sentry, so there isn't much I can do to make any suggestions.

My guess isn't that you're seeing the delegates called multiple times, it is the over amount of logging happening. Shiny already logs errors from push delegates. Sentry.Maui creates loggers that shiny can use.

What I will warn you about is that this code is trending down some unadvised paths. You've got sync locks in async methods, many try/catches which will be masking an end-to-end stack trace. OnEntry has a try catch, but then goes into the main thread, if it crashes there - you're try/catch can miss.

Beyond this, I need something definitive as in "here is the full c# stacktrace" or "here is the lines of causing issues".

aritchie commented 1 month ago

There is still insufficient data here in terms of finding something I can fix, so this is being closed. You need to supply something that crashes as a repro. I copied portions of the supplied to and it worked without issue there.

Yahya0007 commented 1 month ago

Hi Allan,

Thank you so much for your help with removing the duplicate registration. It fixed the crash on the notification, which is greatly appreciated.

There are a few more minor issues identified in Sentry. I will try to find out the line numbers and post them when available.

Many thanks again.