shinyquagsire23 / OpenJKDF2

A cross-platform reimplementation of JKDF2 in C
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LEC/Vanilla Bugs #216

Open shinyquagsire23 opened 1 year ago

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

Running list of bugs that were in the original game, that OpenJKDF2 may or may not patch out.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago "AT-ST's are able to shoot behind themselves. "

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago "Using IR Goggles with Force Sense causes sense to look darker, even after disabling goggles"

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

Kinda, MoTS requires force powers for progression, which can cause some confusion

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

In Dark Forces II, saving at Baron's Hed (Level 5), Aborting, and then Loading the save will cause pressing space on Max to activate MaxVision(TM) to crash the game, due to COG string types getting (de)serialized. MoTS fixes this by not serializing COG string types. OpenJKDF2 applies this fix from MoTS to DF2.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

In Dark Forces II, there is a fists Gran on Level 5's Hard difficulty which has an incorrect non-jumping AI designed for guns. It avoids the player and only swings its fists from afar.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

In the MoTS Edit Character screen, Jedi classes normally have their rank presented in the top-left corner. This text is set invisible when a non-Jedi character is edited. From then on, all Jedi characters when edited will not show the text in the top-left corner. OpenJKDF2 fixes this issue.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

Savefiles in general are very very very very sensitive to COG edits. Adding/removing variables will cause off-by-one errors which can be catastrophic and break progression.

Note: Undefined COG verbs will cause a variable to be added.

I'd like to fix this eventually, TODO

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago The astromech sometimes doesn't spawn, or gets trapped by a randomly-spawned enemy.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

Using force sight at the same time as the scope causes zoomed normal vision Using the scope at the same time as IR goggles makes the vision yellow Using the scope at the same time as IR goggles at the same time as force sight causes normal vision, but dimmed.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

Kyle sometimes doesn't show up to the final MoTS boss fight

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

The player POV model can be use-after-free'd on the second world load. This was patched in OpenJKDF2 before I found out that MoTS also seems to patch this issue.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

Some enemy sabers are not serialized at all in Mysteries of the Sith. However, the pointers are not set to NULL on exiting a level. MoTS has a fallback where if a saber is missing, it will be set to red instead. This was fixed in OpenJKDF2 by extending DSS_SABERINFO3.

To manifest this bug in vanilla:

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

JKDF2 also had some misc UAF bugs with the saber blade Things that were found by the ASAN and fixed in OpenJKDF2.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

MoTS actor_rc.cog references a "AISetMoveTarget" verb which is verified to not exist.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

sithCogFunctionSurface_GetSurfaceLight will not return a value if the surface requested is NULL, which can cause the stack to overflow.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

8 - Palace Escape had a COG script that used to overflow the COG variable stack. This has been fixed in OpenJKDF2 with the MoTS/JK13 expanded resource limits.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

MoTS weap_eweb_m.cog references a SetThingCollide verb which is verified to not exist. Superseded by SetThingCollideSize? MoTS exp_hrail.cog references a GetUserData verb which is verified to not exist. Superseded by GetThingUserData?

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

sithCogFunctionPlayer_IsInvActivated does not return anything if the player Thing does not exist. OpenJKDF2 fixes this by pushing 0 if the player Thing is NULL.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago The saber blade gets thinner randomly

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago Weird door shake on MoTS Level 10

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago MoTS uses sound ID 0 for the blaster cannon fire fx (to play nothing) when the correct syntax is sound ID -1, but somehow it doesn't play sound ID 0.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

Saving in The Blaster Cannon! in MoTS and then loading causes the blaster cannon to float above you until you exit.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago In Dark Forces II, force-pulling an enemy's weapon, saving, and then loading will cause the enemy to regain their weapons. MoTS fixes this by syncing actorParams.templateWeapon in DSS_THINGFULLDESC.

Journeyman716 commented 1 year ago

95 The saber blade gets thinner randomly

Slight correction, not random, but rather always like that when first loading a level until you restart or load a save of the same level, in which saves seem to preserve the correct blade look. image

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

In Dark Forces II, amputated joints are not saved. MoTS fixes this by syncing amputated joints in DSS_THINGFULLDESC. In Dark Forces II, changing a Thing's model will not be preserved when saving. MoTS adds a variable check to DSS_THINGFULLDESC that will sync the model filename if it is set.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago When starting the first level as Mara in MoTS, there is a brief window where Kyle's force powers are accessible.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

The version string while loading static.jkl (jkGuiTitle_ShowLoadingStatic) resides on the stack, even after the function exits. OpenJKDF2 uses a static buffer for this string instead.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

Mounting another weapon while the saber blade is extending will cause the blade to insta-pop out for the remainder of the level, in both DF2 and MoTS

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

The saber mount sound is not played in MoTS when switching from Fists to the Saber.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

Invincibility cheat does not include some physics damage (ie, running into a wall at high speeds)

Vortikai commented 1 year ago

187 Weird door shake on MoTS Level 10

I still think this is intentional and not a bug, but it is your project.

Alex3474247 commented 1 year ago

Invincibility cheat does not include some physics damage (ie, running into a wall at high speeds)

Maybe this meant to be not a full invincibility in original. But it will be nice to fix it, and then it would be an Absolute God Mode.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

@Vortikai yeah I'm also keeping tabs on like, 'this looks like a bug but it's actually just jank/weird' kinda things that might get bug reported to OpenJKDF2. Like this next entry:

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

At the end of level 6, the two pipes clip into each other when pushed together. Going back into the garage on the next level shows the pipes not clipping.

QmwJlHuSg9pa commented 1 year ago

I had an issue with two AT-STs in the maintenance bay on "Into the Dark Palace". Not sure if vanilla or not:

First AT-ST got stuck on the lift, which only ever made it halfway up, leaving both AT-STs stuck in their original area.

Vortikai commented 1 year ago

I had an issue with two AT-STs in the maintenance bay on "Into the Dark Palace". Not sure if vanilla or not:

First AT-ST got stuck on the lift, which only ever made it halfway up, leaving both AT-STs stuck in their original area.

219 This is indeed a vanilla LEC bug as seen in this 9 year old playthrough

I made a new ticket to track this issue.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago Loading an old save after installing a mod which shifts texture indices will cause everything to become incorrectly textured (or worst-case, can crash)

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

In the MoTS secret level, the force scroll icons will flash for one frame, then disappear. This is because the level fails to set the rank above Journeyman, and MoTS has some aggressive measures taken to prevent selection of force powers (presumably to prevent exploits when switching from Kyle to Mara?)

In the MoTS secret level, the blaster initially equipped won't fire until you switch weapons.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

stdHashTable_FreeKey calls stdLinklist_UnlinkChild before checking if the node being freed is actually a root node which has a pNext. If it is a root node with a pNext, the entire bucket's contents get unlinked and lost without properly freeing. I think in practice this is mostly inconsequential because every hashmap that frees individual elements also has methods for recovering from that failure mode.

This has been fixed in OpenJKDF2.

QmwJlHuSg9pa commented 1 year ago

224 Misleading hidden objective trigger in "Descent into the Valley"

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

When standing directly next to an Imperial Crate box (ie, the black ones on MoTS lv1), they will sometimes cull while in the FOV.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

On MoTS lv12 with a lightsaber equipped, the lighting on the ship and one of the branches suddenly changes when moving between sectors.

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago

In MoTS lv12 on the hardware renderer (at least in WINE, maybe Voodoo was just built different idk), the vine texture does not render through the water. However, it does render correctly in the 8bpp renderer. SHOT0001 SHOT0002

Vortikai commented 1 year ago

226 - MaxVision(tm)! cycling first person and third person perspective bug at the end of the timer. 85% sure this is a vanilla issue. Not major, who really cares

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago while loops in COGs will run slower at slower framerates, and with the 50Hz limiter disabled, also run slightly faster at higher framerates

shinyquagsire23 commented 1 year ago the elevator panels on MoTS lv1 do not animate

shinyquagsire23 commented 9 months ago

286 In level 5, one of the medpacks on the side the river (in the covered area) is upside down/rotates in the wrong direction

shinyquagsire23 commented 9 months ago

In JKDF2, typing the command hyper will crash the game (or jump in the dev console). This was fixed in MoTS (typing quickzap does not crash).

shinyquagsire23 commented 9 months ago

In JKDF2 and MoTS, typing the command activate will crash the game.

shinyquagsire23 commented 9 months ago

in JKDF2, available force power panels in Jedi Powers screen in singleplayer do not match those available to the same rank in multiplayer (and skipping levels will cause some powers to be unavailable).

Force Protection/Deadly Sight are freebies after Maw, even if 'neutral'/blue powers were previously used. There is an exception, however: If you somehow did not pick any powers, or remained completely default (neutral-only), then you will not get Force Protection even though you defaulted to the light side.