shinyquagsire23 / OpenJKDF2

A cross-platform reimplementation of JKDF2 in C
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Textures that aren't in jknup? #284

Open vurt72 opened 8 months ago

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

I'm doing a big texture overhaul for the Remaster version/openjkdf2. 400+ textures are done so far in much higher quality than the AI upscaled ones. See for some examples.

The issue i have is that not all textures are included in the jkunp folder. Is there a way i could add e.g gonk_top.mat and gonk_legs.mat which resides in the .gob files? If so how would i name them for openjkdf2 to find them? Maybe it doesn't work like that at all though, i'm not very technical and i have no experience with modding this game, well apart from changing the current .png's which are more easily accessible. There's also a sky on map2.. its super low res, really sad to see that its not included as an upscale for whatever reason.

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

seems like i can solve it by doing an additional mod .gob file which contains the .mat. would be great if there was a workaround and you can use .png, like for what seems to be 99% of the textures..

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

Released btw :)

620+ new textures (no, it's not another upscale mod).

shinyquagsire23 commented 8 months ago

oh oops I missed this, so jkgfxmod specifies GOB MAT paths + corresponding PNGs in the JSON files, and that's primarily what is looked at by OpenJKDF2 (jkgfxmod proper uses texture hashing but it's unimplemented due to performance issues). I think there's supposed to be a tool in the jkgfxmod repository for adding additional MATs (ie, it does all the texture hashing stuff).

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

oh oops I missed this, so jkgfxmod specifies GOB MAT paths + corresponding PNGs in the JSON files, and that's primarily what is looked at by OpenJKDF2 (jkgfxmod proper uses texture hashing but it's unimplemented due to performance issues). I think there's supposed to be a tool in the jkgfxmod repository for adding additional MATs (ie, it does all the texture hashing stuff).

I see, thanks, i'll take a look. While i'm asking for stuff; can transparency be added so that it affects all textures? Would be cool to be able to add it to stuff like some windows or other parts that could be either fully or half transparent. I did add it to one of the water textures and to me it looks like a bit of an upgrade. Adding too much of it did look strange, but 25% or so transparency worked and made me able to vaguely see things beneath the surface which made water just so much more natural looking. Great work with this btw and thanks again.

shinyquagsire23 commented 8 months ago

If the texture is already transparent, I think adding opacity should be fine (might have to override the JSON settings), but if it's not already transparent then you might have to edit the JKL, because some textures are used on both opaque and transparent surfaces (water for example is sometimes not see-through even though it's the same texture I think). Not 100% on that though, I just know the renderer does separate passes for transparent textures specifically. Making things transparent might also involve editing the existing MAT to have a transparency bit set.

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

If the texture is already transparent, I think adding opacity should be fine (might have to override the JSON settings), but if it's not already transparent then you might have to edit the JKL, because some textures are used on both opaque and transparent surfaces (water for example is sometimes not see-through even though it's the same texture I think). Not 100% on that though, I just know the renderer does separate passes for transparent textures specifically. Making things transparent might also involve editing the existing MAT to have a transparency bit set.

Very good to know, thanks!

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

These 3 files jknup.mat.10tblue.albedo.png jknup.mat.00wcity2.albedo.png jknup.mat.00wcity1.albedo.png

are not lit up like they should. I tried adding transparency to where there's supposed to be light, it does not help..

Seems like this is the default behavior, which is faulty.

shinyquagsire23 commented 8 months ago

Do you have any screenshot examples? I took a look at jknup.mat.10tblue.albedo.png on the original textures and I don't see anything, but maybe it's something weird w/ like, RGB vs RGBA.

Also unsolicited advice: A lot of the textures in JKDF2 are derived from the Autodesk Texture Universe (1994), you can see the texture they used for the Bespin cloud skybox in this flyer.

Edit: I guess one possibility is that you didn't enable Bloom, which ~arguably I should probably have better behavior for that, but a lot of JKNUP textures assume bloom so it's tricky honestly.

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

I see, it was a user (who both tried my mod and tried without) who reported to me these textures doesn't work, he took screens too to show me and took the time to look up which textures it was. But i will check myself when i'm not doing any AI training to see if it's a glitch or if its like that always. I will also ask him if he's really using Bloom. I totally forgot that that could be a reason.

Ah, cool, i checked the pack, yeah, i could see maybe 2 textures that i recognized :) i bet there are more because there were many generic ones (like rust and whatever).

TheNipperOfFigs commented 8 months ago

Hi vurt72,

I used your mod from NexusMods, and it radically improved the graphics in-game, so thanks for a good mod.

A major problem is the stark repeating patterns that occur from tiling. For instance, you can see this in the green tiling in the cantina at the beginning. Also, the gray metal sheeting in some areas that have screws in them looks off and of poor design. If you improve this, your mod pack can be made to look super good.

Also, will you improve the textures on the weapons? I don't mean the weapons when used by the PC in hand, but the models used by enemies and the ones floating on the ground - they are rather poor in quality.

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

Hi vurt72,

I used your mod from NexusMods, and it radically improved the graphics in-game, so thanks for a good mod.

A major problem is the stark repeating patterns that occur from tiling. For instance, you can see this in the green tiling in the cantina at the beginning. Also, the gray metal sheeting in some areas that have screws in them looks off and of poor design. If you improve this, your mod pack can be made to look super good.

Also, will you improve the textures on the weapons? I don't mean the weapons when used by the PC in hand, but the models used by enemies and the ones floating on the ground - they are rather poor in quality.

yeah the repeating will unfortunately be more noticeable with higher res textures. i still think its an improvement, i tried a few different ones and settled with that one. Might try some other ones. Hmm if i find the textures for the weapons i can absolutely redo them. Rivets, i try to only use them if the original had them, but maybe its added to some texture where it shouldn't be. A screenshot or a save where this texture is can help me change it.

TheNipperOfFigs commented 8 months ago

From memory, those gray rivet textures were in the very long elevator ride at the end of level 9 fuel station.

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

Ok, good to know.

TheNipperOfFigs commented 8 months ago

Ok, good to know.

Here are some screenshots of your textures and some comments.

1) While the textures look much better and sharper, the tiling pattern is a problem.






2) This texture just doesn't belong - too futuristic to what is a run-down area, only exists on the sides but not the front of the column and either reflects in the window, or the window texture itself has been changed to make it look like it reflects. This texture needs to be more simple and drab, like the surrounds.





3) This is the end of the fuel tunnel near the end of L9: the textures looked tiled and cut-off. Makes it look really out of place.


4) This is the gray texture with rivets, it just doesn't look right.


5) WeeGee looks corrupted, at the start of L4. Not sure if this is a texture issue, or lightmapping, or something along those lines.


6) Can the skylines of L1-2 be improved? I know you're continually redoing the textures, so perhaps this simply hasn't been done yet. The other sky textures you've redone, such as on L9, look great.


7) For some reason, the crates on the corner in L2 have different textures, silver on one side, black on the other.


8) These light gray wall panels again seem a little too futuristic and out of place.


9) I like what you've done here with the produce, the tomatoes look great...


On the whole, your improved textures look great, is there an ETA for when the next update is coming?

vurt72 commented 8 months ago

Some good feedback! I don't agree with everything perhaps / or some is hard to really do much about, but you are right about most here. I released v1.0 just some hours ago. That sky is hidden away somewhere in the old files, but i can try to find it, it has annoyed me too.. if it was among the usual textures it would've had high priority.

TheNipperOfFigs commented 8 months ago

Some good feedback! I don't agree with everything perhaps / or some is hard to really do much about, but you are right about most here. I released v1.0 just some hours ago. That sky is hidden away somewhere in the old files, but i can try to find it, it has annoyed me too.. if it was among the usual textures it would've had high priority.

I look forward to it. It would be great if the weapon textures could be improved.

I really like some of the textures you've overhauled, like these:





