shipperhq / module-shipper

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Trouble Installing via Composer on Magento CE 2.3.7 #113

Closed nickpiro closed 2 years ago

nickpiro commented 2 years ago

Module was causing an issue so I uninstalled (Composer Remove) then reinstalled and receive this error: Problem 1

ibraheemnabeelfauzi commented 2 years ago

Hello @nickpiro please try the following command: composer require laminas/laminas-http:2.10.0 Thanks!

nickpiro commented 2 years ago

Hi @ibraheemnabeelfauzi this worked for us. Now we're just experiencing a new error when attempting to sync with SHQ. I've seen laminas mentioned when I looked up the error. I wonder if it has to do with downgrading? If it may cause issues in other areas.

ibraheemnabeelfauzi commented 2 years ago

@nickpiro what's the error? Please drop in a ticket at with all relevant details.

nickpiro commented 2 years ago


500 responses when trying to synchronize with ShipperHQ, and the following entries appear to be associated:

[02-May-2022 20:11:54 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Socket, because the name is already in use in /chroot/home/domain/ on line 47 02/May/2022:16:11:53 -0400 GET /home/domain/ pid:23983 took:0.494s mem:18mb cpu:58.69% status:500 {} - [02/May/2022:16:11:53 -0400] "GET /admin/shipperhq/synchronize/synchronize/ HTTP/1.1" 500 - "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh;Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.127 Safari/537.36"

ibraheemnabeelfauzi commented 2 years ago


What version of PHP/Magento, ShipperHQ extension are you running?

nickpiro commented 2 years ago

PHP 7.3.31 Magento 2.3.7 ShipperHQ 20.47.6

ibraheemnabeelfauzi commented 2 years ago

Thank you @nickpiro

What changes were made prior to you seeing that error? Did you upgrade the extension or were there any other changes?

Also, can you try to switch to PHP7.4 and perform the sync and see if you run into the same issue?

nickpiro commented 2 years ago

We're unable to switch to 7.4 on Magento 2.3.7 I believe because all of our modules to not fully work with that version. I can test it on our dev environment first.

No other changes other than the installation guideline you mentioned earlier in this ticket.

We're running Redis, Varnish, we upgraded to 2.3.7 and upgraded SHQ along with it.

ibraheemnabeelfauzi commented 2 years ago

Thanks @nickpiro I strongly suggest doing so on dev as from looking at that exception it's likely caused by PHP incompatibility. Also, what other modules don't work on PHP 7.4?

nickpiro commented 2 years ago

So this version isn't compatible with 7.3?

ibraheemnabeelfauzi commented 2 years ago

For the most part yes, as we've made changes to ensure comptability with M2.4 and higher which works with 7.4 and up. What version of the extension were you on?

nickpiro commented 2 years ago

We were on a pretty old version. Apparently the sync resolved itself, because it's no longer happening. Our server company was updating HAproxy for us, we were on an old version. When they did that, something may have happened that fixed it? I'm not sure. But I'd say the sync is no longer an issue on our end.