shipshapecode / ember-cli-release

Ember CLI addon for versioned release management
MIT License
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Generate changelog entries #40

Open slindberg opened 8 years ago

slindberg commented 8 years ago

This the last big PITA left in the release process (for me personally). Changelogs are only as helpful as they are readable, which makes them difficult to auto-generate.

Good changelog entires include:

The sanest path to generating entries is probably to go off of Github issues, or perhaps just merge commits (although integrating with Github could be beneficial for other reasons). Regardless, it would require introducing an editor step into the release process so that line items and meta information can be changed/added.

Another hurdle is how to handle changelogs for projects that maintain several stable branches, e.g. v1.13.x, v2.0.x, v2.x. The changelog for the latest/default stable branch (master) should include entries for all versions so that all releases are in one scannable place.

rwjblue commented 8 years ago

Was chatting with @runspired about this yesterday. Hoping he chimes in...

runspired commented 8 years ago

Chiming in :P

rwjblue commented 8 years ago

He is working on ember-cli-changelog which provides a command and plans to hook into our beforeCommit hook.

runspired commented 8 years ago

@slindberg I have a full addon about to be released that does this well, hit me up on slack and we can discuss if the direction makes sense to you or what alterations you would make.

runspired commented 8 years ago

(also, releasing an alpha tonight, got bogged down with a bugfix on another addon that held it back)

carlesnunez commented 8 years ago

This will be so usefull 👍

MiguelMadero commented 7 years ago

Whats the state of this? I started looking at semantic-release, but isnt a perfect fit for addons and was wondering wether I should change that or this.

webark commented 7 years ago

ya, I'm in the same place as you @MiguelMadero .. @runspired what was the addon you had?

webark commented 7 years ago

@runspired did that ever come to fruition?

RobbieTheWagner commented 6 years ago

I'm working on and getting it up to date and working again, if anyone wants to help out!