shipwright-io / build

Shipwright - a framework for building container images on Kubernetes
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Unsupported type of credentials provided, either SSH private key or username/password is supported (exit code 110) #1116

Open SihengCui opened 1 year ago

SihengCui commented 1 year ago

For private HTTP git repositories, the name references a secret in the namespace that contains username and password.

kind: Build
  name: builder-zps9k-build-ktbvv
  namespace: default
  labels: builder-zps9k
  resourceVersion: '3629355'
    image: openfunction/builder-go:latest
      name: push-secret
    image: "xxx"
    - name: ENV_VARS
      name: basic-user-pass
    revision: master
    kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
    name: openfunction
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: basic-user-pass
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: '3421673'
  password: xxxx
  username: xxxx

Looking at the Pod, it is found that the container that pulls the code exist the following command /ko-app/git ... --secret-path /workspace/shp-source-secret I keep the container, cd to the /workspace/shp-source-secret and find that there are two files username and password, when I manually execute /ko-app/git ... --secret-path /workspace/shp-source-secret , it also printUnsupported type of credentials provided, either SSH private key or username/password is supported (exit code 110).

Why, is my certificate format wrong?

dheerajodha commented 1 year ago

I could be wrong but maybe this might help:

SaschaSchwarze0 commented 1 year ago

@SihengCui when you created the secret, where xxxx plain text or base64 encoded ? It should be the latter, or you use stringData to provide plain-text and the Kubernetes will encode it. Above mentioned PR improves our documentation as passwords are not supported anymore, but instead it must be a token.

SihengCui commented 1 year ago

@SihengCui when you created the secret, where xxxx plain text or base64 encoded ? It should be the latter, or you use stringData to provide plain-text and the Kubernetes will encode it. Above mentioned PR improves our documentation as passwords are not supported anymore, but instead it must be a token.

emmm.. Do you mean that the password field is filled with the token string? But the git repo is a private Bitbucket. It seems that there is only password. In this case, is there any way to pass the certification?

SaschaSchwarze0 commented 1 year ago

I have never used BitBucket, but seems like will need some (doc?) changes based on @SihengCui can you try what happens when you put x-token-auth as username into the secret and your access token as password?

SihengCui commented 1 year ago

I have never used BitBucket, but seems like will need some (doc?) changes based on @SihengCui can you try what happens when you put x-token-auth as username into the secret and your access token as password?

There are something different with git repo using HTTP or HTTPS protocol. I chose a non-existing domain as my repo address


2022/10/10 08:46:24 Info: ssh (/usr/bin/ssh): OpenSSH_8.0p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1k  FIPS 25 Mar 2021
2022/10/10 08:46:24 Info: git (/usr/bin/git): git version 2.31.1
2022/10/10 08:46:24 Info: git-lfs (/usr/bin/git-lfs): git-lfs/2.13.3 (GitHub; linux amd64; go 1.17.5)
2022/10/10 08:46:24 /usr/bin/git clone -h
2022/10/10 08:46:24 /usr/bin/git submodule -h
2022/10/10 08:46:24 Unsupported type of credentials provided, either SSH private key or username/password is supported (exit code 110)

After that I just modified http to https. url: It did not prompt "Unsupported type".

2022/10/10 08:51:10 Info: ssh (/usr/bin/ssh): OpenSSH_8.0p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1k  FIPS 25 Mar 2021
2022/10/10 08:51:10 Info: git (/usr/bin/git): git version 2.31.1
2022/10/10 08:51:10 Info: git-lfs (/usr/bin/git-lfs): git-lfs/2.13.3 (GitHub; linux amd64; go 1.17.5)
2022/10/10 08:51:10 /usr/bin/git clone -h
2022/10/10 08:51:10 /usr/bin/git submodule -h
2022/10/10 08:51:10 /usr/bin/git clone --quiet --no-tags --single-branch --branch master --depth 1 -c credential.helper=store --file /tmp/cred-helper-file3502023043 -- /workspace/source
2022/10/10 08:51:11 fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host: (exit code 128)

Could this be the cause ?

SihengCui commented 1 year ago

I have never used BitBucket, but seems like will need some (doc?) changes based on @SihengCui can you try what happens when you put x-token-auth as username into the secret and your access token as password?

I put access token as password. And success pull the private repository from my github. So I am sure the format of the secret is correct. When the url is replaced with http://bitbucket.xxxxx, even if the username and token are not replaced, a 401 authentication error should be returned instead of Unsupported type.

SaschaSchwarze0 commented 1 year ago

From grooming:

dheerajodha commented 1 year ago

Hi @SihengCui, if possible, can you help me by providing the exact yaml files you used as a step to reproduce this problem? I want to try fixing this but I notice you've added a few 'xxx' in parts of the yaml file above and I'm not sure which values to add there.

SihengCui commented 1 year ago

Hi @SihengCui, if possible, can you help me by providing the exact yaml files you used as a step to reproduce this problem? I want to try fixing this but I notice you've added a few 'xxx' in parts of the yaml file above and I'm not sure which values to add there.

That's a private git address on an internal network. If you need to reproduce the problem, just request any of the HTTP repositories. NOT https

dheerajodha commented 1 year ago

That's a private git address on an internal network. If you need to reproduce the problem, just request any of the HTTP repositories. NOT https

Awesome, I'll do that. Thank you!