Conclusion: keep build docs in-tree to lower contributor barriers, but break link to website. Content on website should be updated separately.
CVE dependency bumps: @avinal will recommend a label that we should apply to Dependabot PRs that fix CVEs. Maintainers need to check that a dependabot PR fixes a security issue before adding /approve or /lgtm.
@adambkaplan SHIP-0039: final call for review, needs lgtm.
@qu1queee LFX insights - will present next week on the dashboard, what we can do with the data.
Manesh: he an @qu1queee investigating how to get Shipwright images to SLSA 3. Drafted SHIP #212 for review. @adambkaplan proposed for future (based on CNCF timeline on sandbox application): provisioning a k8s cluster to dogfood Shipwright and Tekton, with Chains enabled.
Syncing mailing list w/ calendar: @adambkaplan to reach out to Red Hat OSPO on how to improve, potentially move to Google Groups.