shiqimei / shadowsocks-deepin

😎 a powful shadowsocks client for deepin
GNU General Public License v3.0
402 stars 82 forks source link

打包成deb时出现错误 #6

Closed simplaj closed 5 years ago

simplaj commented 6 years ago

前面进行顺利,但在打包成deb时报错了,请问您 _ _20180909142416 我这是什么问题

shiqimei commented 6 years ago

缺少 cmake 等依赖。先装个 cmake 看看:

sudo apt install cmake -y
simplaj commented 6 years ago

_20180909143742 装完cmake后是这样的

simplaj commented 6 years ago

apt -f -y install执行这个后也没有变化

shiqimei commented 6 years ago

dh_make --version 看看你的 dh-make 版本 fakeroot --version 看看你的 fakeroot 版本

shiqimei commented 6 years ago



simplaj commented 6 years ago


simplaj commented 6 years ago

我是按照您的教程来的 _20180909151008

shiqimei commented 6 years ago
sudo apt install qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools qt5-qmake g++ qtcreator -y
sudo apt install libdtkbase-dev libdtkwidget-dev -y
sudo apt install libdframeworkdbus-dev -y
sudo apt install libqrencode-dev libzbar-dev -y
sudo apt install libdtkbase-dev libdtkcore-dev libdtksettings-dev libdtksettingsview-dev libdtkutil-dev libdtkwidget-dev libdtkwm-dev -y
sudo apt install dh-make fakeroot -y


shiqimei commented 6 years ago

应该和 fakeroot 没什么关系,如果是缺少 fakeroot 应该一开始就会提示。

simplaj commented 6 years ago


simplaj commented 6 years ago

装上以上依赖后仍不成功 _20180909152950 请问这个错误代码意味着什么

shiqimei commented 6 years ago

你试试这个 看看能不能正常构建出二进制可执行程序并正常执行

kingskill commented 5 years ago

`king@king-PC:~/Downloads/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-deepin-1.2.2/build$ cmake ..

process translations/shadowsocks-client_en.ts Updating 'translations/shadowsocks-client_en.qm'... Generated 0 translation(s) (0 finished and 0 unfinished) Ignored 102 untranslated source text(s)

process translations/shadowsocks-client_zh.ts Updating 'translations/shadowsocks-client_zh.qm'... Generated 106 translation(s) (106 finished and 0 unfinished) CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5/Qt5Config.cmake:28 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5LinguistTools" with any of the following names:


Add the installation prefix of "Qt5LinguistTools" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "Qt5LinguistTools_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "Qt5LinguistTools" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. Call Stack (most recent call first): src/CMakeLists.txt:22 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/king/Downloads/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-deepin-1.2.2/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". `

shiqimei commented 5 years ago


sudo apt install qtcreator-dde qttools5-dev -y
kingskill commented 5 years ago


sudo apt install qtcreator-dde qttools5-dev -y



shiqimei commented 5 years ago


Graundcian commented 5 years ago

请问大佬manjaro-deepin 可以用吗

shiqimei commented 5 years ago
