shiquanyang / GraphDialog

Integrating Graph Knowledge into End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems
MIT License
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Trying to reproduce the results #2

Closed MayarOssama closed 2 years ago

MayarOssama commented 2 years ago

I am trying to reproduce the results by running the given command and this is what I get

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 52, in acc_test = model.evaluate(test, testlength, 1e7) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/GraphDialog/ (Unzipped Files)/GraphDialog-master/models/", line 215, in evaluate False) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/GraphDialog/ (Unzipped Files)/GraphDialog-master/models/", line 123, in encode_and_decode training=training) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/utils/", line 67, in error_handler raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None File "/content/drive/MyDrive/GraphDialog/ (Unzipped Files)/GraphDialog-master/models/", line 79, in call training=training) # 1 batch_size embedding_dim. ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "decoder" (type Decoder).

In this tf.Variable creation, the initial value's shape ((384,)) is not compatible with the explicitly supplied shape argument ((2, 384)).

shiquanyang commented 2 years ago

Hi Mayar, thanks for reaching out. Can you check which version of Tensorflow you use? It would be nice if you can share the cmd you use so that I can quickly figure out what is going on.

MayarOssama commented 2 years ago

Hello, first of all, thank you for the quick response. I am using tensorflow version 2.8.2 on colab and 2.8.0 on my laptop and got the same result:

!python -path=save/GraphDialog-KVR/KVRHDD128BSZ32DR0.2L3lr0.001ENTF1-0.4768/ckpt-16 -ds=kvr -rec=1 -maxdeps=5 -graphhdd=128 -nheads=1 -graph_layer=1 output: {'dataset': 'kvr', 'task': '', 'decoder': None, 'hidden': None, 'batch': None, 'learn': None, 'drop': None, 'unk_mask': 1, 'layer': None, 'limit': -10000, 'path': 'save/GraphDialog-KVR/KVRHDD128BSZ32DR0.2L3lr0.001ENTF1-0.4768/ckpt-16', 'clip': 10, 'teacher_forcing_ratio': 0.5, 'sample': None, 'evalp': 1, 'addName': '', 'genSample': 0, 'earlyStop': 'BLEU', 'ablationG': 0, 'ablationH': 0, 'record': 1, 'reverse_graph': 0, 'max_deps': 5, 'ablationD': 0, 'maxhops': 3, 'graphhdd': 128, 'nheads': 1, 'alpha': 0.2, 'graph_dr': 0.6, 'graph_layer': 1} USE_CUDA: False Reading lines from data/KVR/train_graph.txt data/KVR/train_graph.txt avg dependencies per node is: 1.7592111777989783 Reading lines from data/KVR/dev_graph.txt data/KVR/dev_graph.txt avg dependencies per node is: 1.7621167408593008 Reading lines from data/KVR/test_graph.txt data/KVR/test_graph.txt avg dependencies per node is: 1.7486090280129662 2022-06-13 16:57:53.183240: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: no CUDA-capable device is detected 6290 777 807 Read 6290 sentence pairs train Read 777 sentence pairs dev Read 807 sentence pairs test Vocab_size: 1651 Max. length of system response: 95 USE_CUDA=False STARTING EVALUATION: 0% 0/25 [00:19<?, ?it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 52, in acc_test = model.evaluate(test, testlength, 1e7) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/GraphDialog/ (Unzipped Files)/GraphDialog-master/models/", line 215, in evaluate False) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/GraphDialog/ (Unzipped Files)/GraphDialog-master/models/", line 123, in encode_and_decode training=training) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/utils/", line 67, in error_handler raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None File "/content/drive/MyDrive/GraphDialog/ (Unzipped Files)/GraphDialog-master/models/", line 79, in call training=training) # 1 batch_size embedding_dim. ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "decoder" (type Decoder).

In this tf.Variable creation, the initial value's shape ((384,)) is not compatible with the explicitly supplied shape argument ((2, 384)).

Call arguments received: • extKnow=<models.KnowledgeGraph.KnowledgeGraph object at 0x7fa28b711850> • story_size=TensorShape([32, 201, 6]) • story_lengths=tf.Tensor(shape=(32,), dtype=int32) • copy_list=ListWrapper([ListWrapper(["'864_almanor_ln'", "'friends_house'", "'no_traffic'", "'6_miles'", "'jacks_house'", "'704_el_camino_real'", "'pizza_restaurant'", "'heavy_traffic'", "'2_miles'", "'pizza_hut'", "'842_arrowhead_way'", "'chinese_restaurant'", "'heavy_traffic'", "'5_miles'", "'panda_express'", "'753_university_ave'", "'rest_stop'", "'heavy_traffic'", "'4_miles'", "'comfort_inn'", "'528_anton_ct'", "'pizza_restaurant'", "'no_traffic'", "'3_miles'", "'pizza_my_heart'", "'200_alester_ave'", "'gas_station'", "'road_block_nearby'", "'5_miles'", "'valero'", "'669_el_camino_real'", "'chinese_restaurant'", "'no_traffic'", "'1miles'", "'p.f._changs'", "'593_arrowhead_way'", "'chinese_restaurant'", "'no_traffic'", "'3_miles'", "'chef_chu_s'", "'find'", "'me'", "'the'", "'nearest'", "'gas_station'", "'the'", "'nearest'", "'gas_station'", "'is'", "'located'", "'5_miles'", "'away'", "'need'", "'more'", "'info'", "'?'", "'please'", "'pick'", "'the'", "'quickest'", "'route'", "'to'", "'get'", "'there'", "','", "'thank'", "'you'", "'!'", "'$$$$'"]), ListWrapper(["'jeff'", "'wednesday'", "'1pm'", "'aunt'", "'wednesday'", "'10am'", "'the_13th'", "'9am'", "'ana'", "'saturday'", "'5pm'", "'marie'", "'the_5th'", "'8pm'", "'alex'", "'monday'", "'6pm'", "'tom'", "'wednesday'", "'4pm'", "'discuss_dress_code'", "'conference_room_50'", "'executive_team'", "'friday'", "'6pm'", "'when'", "'s'", "'the'", "'football_activity'", "'and'", "'who'", "'s'", "'attending'", "'?'", "'you'", "'have'", "'four'", "'football_activity'", "'scheduled'", "','", "'one'", "'on'", "'monday'", "'at'", "'6pm'", "'with'", "'alex'", "','", "'one'", "'on'", "'the_13th'", "'at'", "'9am'", "'with'", "'alex'", "','", "'one'", "'on'", "'wednesday'", "'at'", "'1pm'", "'with'", "'jeff'", "','", "'and'", "'one'", "'on'", "'saturday'", "'at'", "'5pm'", "'with'", "'ana'", "'thanks'", "'$$$$'"]), ListWrapper(["'make'", "'an'", "'appointment'", "'for'", "'the'", "'doctor'", "'on'", "'the_12th'", "'at'", "'what'", "'time'", "'should'", "'i'", "'set'", "'the'", "'appointment'", "'?'", "'set'", "'it'", "'at'", "'7pm'", "'please'", "'i'", "'have'", "'made'", "'an'", "'appointment'", "'for'", "'the'", "'doctor'", "'on'", "'the_12th'", "'at'", "'7pm'", "'thank'", "'you'", "'$$$$'"]), ListWrapper(["'schedule'", "'a'", "'conference'", "'at'", "'6pm'", "'on'", "'the'", "'tenth'", "'with'", "'sales_team'", "'i'", "'will'", "'schedule'", "'a'", "'conference'", "'at'", "'6pm'", "'on'", "'the'", "'tenth'", "'with'", "'sales_team'", "'thank'", "'you'", "'$$$$'"]), ListWrapper(["'5677_southwest_4th_street'", "'certain_address'", "'moderate_traffic'", "'5_miles'", "'5677_southwest_4th_street'", "'56_cadwell_street'", "'2_miles'", "'home'", "'593_arrowhead_way'", "'chinese_restaurant'", "'no_traffic'", 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"'70f'", "'warm'", "'90f'", "'70f'", "'stormy'", "'60f'", "'40f'", "'rain'", "'60f'", "'40f'", "'dry'", "'100f'", "'90f'", "'cloudy'", "'50f'", "'40f'", "'snow'", "'100f'", "'90f'", "'stormy'", "'40f'", "'30f'", "'drizzle'", "'30f'", "'20f'", "'clear_skies'", "'100f'", "'90f'", "'cloudy'", "'100f'", "'90f'", "'foggy'", "'60f'", "'40f'", "'cloudy'", "'100f'", "'80f'", "'rain'", "'30f'", "'20f'", "'overcast'", "'90f'", "'80f'", "'dry'", "'60f'", "'50f'", "'stormy'", "'100f'", "'80f'", "'overcast'", "'100f'", "'90f'", "'cloudy'", "'50f'", "'30f'", "'foggy'", "'100f'", "'90f'", "'hot'", "'what'", "'s'", "'the'", "'temperature'", "'going'", "'to'", "'be'", "'like'", "'on'", "'friday'", "'what'", "'city'", "'should'", "'i'", "'find'", "'friday'", "'s'", "'temperature'", "'for'", "'?'", "'alhambra'", "'$$$$'"]), ListWrapper(["'100f'", "'90f'", "'stormy'", "'100f'", "'80f'", "'rain'", "'80f'", "'70f'", "'humid'", "'80f'", "'70f'", "'windy'", "'70f'", "'50f'", "'rain'", "'50f'", "'40f'", 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"'the'", "'temperature'", "'in'", "'compton'", "'will'", "'be'", "'between'", "'70f'", "'and'", "'100f'", "'on'", "'monday'", "'and'", "'friday'", "'during'", "'the'", "'other'", "'days'", "'of'", "'the'", "'week'", "'it'", "'will'", "'remain'", "'between'", "'30f'", "'and'", "'70f'", "'thank'", "'you'", "'very'", "'much'", "'car'", "'!'", "'$$$$'"])]) • encode_hidden=tf.Tensor(shape=(32, 256), dtype=float32) • target_batches=tf.Tensor(shape=(32, 15), dtype=int32) • max_target_length=95 • batch_size=32 • use_teacher_forcing=False • get_decoded_words=True • global_pointer=tf.Tensor(shape=(32, 201), dtype=float32) • training=False

MayarOssama commented 2 years ago

Trieded with TensorFlow 2.0.0 but still not working

shiquanyang commented 2 years ago

Please check all the dependencies' versions if they are the same as the suggested ones, e.g., Spacy, NLTK, cuda, cudnn. Also please try Tensorflow=2.0.0a0 (not 2.0.0). I can successfully run the test cmd on my computer. So I guess it's most probable the environment's problem.