shirkdog / pulledpork

Pulled Pork for Snort and Suricata rule management (from Google code)
GNU General Public License v2.0
417 stars 134 forks source link

snort.rules not created #355

Closed hubkae closed 3 years ago

hubkae commented 3 years ago

Hi, my pulledpork.conf File seems to work without Errors, but it does not create a "snort.rules" file in the specified Directory. Any Help or Hints would be highly appreciated. Thank You!

/etc/snort$ sudo /usr/local/bin/ -c /etc/snort/pulledpork.conf -l
  _____ ____
 `----,\    )
  `--==\\  /    PulledPork v0.8.0 - The only positive thing to come out of 2020...well this and take-out liquor!
 .-~~~~-.Y|\\_  Copyright (C) 2009-2021 JJ Cummings, Michael Shirk

@/ / 66_ and the PulledPork Team! | \ \ (") \ /-| ||'--' Rules give me wings! _\ _\

Checking latest MD5 for snortrules-snapshot-29170.tar.gz....
    They Match
Checking latest MD5 for community-rules.tar.gz....
    They Match
IP Blocklist download of
Reading IP List...
Writing Blocklist File /etc/snort/rules/iplists/default.blocklist....
Writing Blocklist Version 879047984 to /etc/snort/rules/iplists/IPRVersion.dat....
Fly Piggy Fly!
shirkdog commented 3 years ago

Part of the output will tell you how many rules pulledpork processed. What is the output from this? You can also add "-vvv" for more verbose output and errors.

hubkae commented 3 years ago

Hi, this is the verbose version ...

onfig File Variable Debug /etc/snort/pulledpork.conf ignore = deleted.rules,experimental.rules,local.rules version = 0.8.0 local_rules = /etc/snort/rules/local.rules sid_msg = /etc/snort/ distro = Ubuntu-10-4 temp_path = /tmp rule_path = /etc/snort/rules/snort.rules sid_msg_version = 2 config_path = /etc/snort/snort.conf block_list = /etc/snort/rules/iplists/default.blocklist snort_path = /usr/local/bin/snort rule_url = ARRAY(0x561d276d3358) sorule_path = /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules/ sid_changelog = /var/log/sid_changes.log snort_control = /usr/local/bin/snort_control IPRVersion = /etc/snort/rules/iplists MISC (CLI and Autovar) Variable Debug: arch Def is: x86-64 Operating System is: linux CA Certificate File is: OS Default Config Path is: /etc/snort/pulledpork.conf Distro Def is: Ubuntu-10-4 Disabled policy specified local.rules path is: /etc/snort/rules/local.rules Rules file is: /etc/snort/rules/snort.rules sid changes will be logged to: /var/log/sid_changes.log Output Path is: /etc/snort/ Snort Version is: Snort Config File: /etc/snort/snort.conf Snort Path is: /usr/local/bin/snort SO Output Path is: /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules/ Will process SO rules Logging Flag is Set Verbose Flag is Set File(s) to ignore = deleted.rules,experimental.rules,local.rules Base URL is:|snortrules-snapshot.tar.gz|OINKCODE||community-rules.tar.gz|Community|IPBLOCKLIST|open Checking latest MD5 for snortrules-snapshot-29170.tar.gz.... Fetching md5sum for: snortrules-snapshot-29170.tar.gz.md5 ** GET ==> 200 OK (1s) most recent rules file digest: 810587db24702138d3fddd6303e72cc0 current local rules file digest: 810587db24702138d3fddd6303e72cc0 The MD5 for snortrules-snapshot-29170.tar.gz matched 810587db24702138d3fddd6303e72cc0

Checking latest MD5 for community-rules.tar.gz.... Fetching md5sum for: community-rules.tar.gz.md5 ** GET ==> 200 OK most recent rules file digest: 646feb7e8c9c2321a5be222046eafbbf current local rules file digest: 646feb7e8c9c2321a5be222046eafbbf The MD5 for community-rules.tar.gz matched 646feb7e8c9c2321a5be222046eafbbf

IP Blocklist download of GET ==> 302 Found (1s) GET ==> 200 OK Reading IP List... Cleanup.... removed 0 temporary snort files or directories from /tmp/tha_rules! Writing Blocklist File /etc/snort/rules/iplists/default.blocklist.... Writing Blocklist Version 828530994 to /etc/snort/rules/iplists/IPRVersion.dat.... Fly Piggy Fly!

shirkdog commented 3 years ago

Make sure to not post your OINKCODE...I removed it from the issue.

What is in /etc/snort/rules/snort.rules ?

also try run with "-P" just in case to process the rules even if they are not new

hubkae commented 3 years ago

If i try it with -P it works ... Thank You !!!