Brass Knuckles: Hits that deal at least 400% BASE damage are 40% (+40% per stack) stronger and stun enemies.
Thumbtack: Gain 4% (+4% per stack) chance to bleed enemies on-hit for 240% BASE damage over 3 seconds. Your bleed effects last an additional 0.25 (+0.25 per stack) seconds.
Broken Mask
Burn Duration: 5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds (higher DPS)
Crown of Vanity
Damage Dealt: 200% per Hubris stack ⇒ 150% per Hubris stack
Iron Heart
On-Hit Damage: 2% max HP ⇒ 1.5% max HP
Buff Duration: 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second
Fixed a bug where Broken Mask was sometimes applicable to teammates.
Fixed a bug where Horseshoe would reroll the same stats repeatedly.
5 seconds⇒ 4 seconds (higher DPS)200% per Hubris stack⇒ 150% per Hubris stack2% max HP⇒ 1.5% max HP1.5 seconds⇒ 1 second