shirok / Gauche

Scheme Scripting Engine
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Hide sensitive info from `-V` output #1042

Open shirok opened 2 weeks ago

shirok commented 2 weeks ago

The output of gosh -V contains Gauche's installation direcotries, which may include username or project name. Since the output may be casually copied to bug reports etc., it may reveal those info unintentionally.

User-specific installation directory isn't really useful to reproduce troubleshooting (unless it's from a trouble with some weird pathnames), we may provide a way to exclude those from the output. Some environment variables may do.

Relevant items: directory names of --prefix etc. of build.configure, paths in scheme.path.

lassik commented 2 weeks ago

One suggstion is for -V to show only basic info, and -VV to show more detail.

lassik commented 2 weeks ago

Unfortunately SRFI 176 does not have a standard solution to this problem, and there isn't a de facto standard among its implementors.

shirok commented 2 weeks ago

I think it's difficult to standardize what's sensitive, for it depend on too many factors. Providing users to customize the default output (-V), while allowing full dump (e.g. -VV) in case to support a specific user case, would be enough.