shirok / Gauche

Scheme Scripting Engine
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Better s-expression movement (and even editing) in line-edit #693

Open pclouds opened 4 years ago

pclouds commented 4 years ago

My emacs muscle fired up the other day and I accidentally typed C-M-f which is not supported by gosh. Moving by sexp would make the editing experience much better. Though the problem is parsing (especially when regex or other reader syntax is involved).

Long term, I would like to see something like paredit mode supported too (as long as we can switch it on and off, because toplevel commands are not always parenthese-balanced). No longer counting the opening parentheses to add enough closing ones.

shirok commented 4 years ago

Yes! I also want auto indentation.

It's somewhat like the uncanny valley---the more realistic CG gets, the more picky people be for the subtle difference from real humans. In our case, the more the input editing becomes featureful, the more the differences bother us.