shirosaidev / stocksight

Stock market analyzer and predictor using Elasticsearch, Twitter, News headlines and Python natural language processing and sentiment analysis
Apache License 2.0
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[ERROR][stocksight] Got an error with status code: 404 (will try again later) #40

Open Anuraag287 opened 7 months ago

Anuraag287 commented 7 months ago

I am facing this issue upon executing the file. Any Suggestions or solutions??

Siddharth-Latthe-07 commented 1 month ago

possible solution and suggestions:-

A 404 error in this context indicates that the script encountered a resource that doesn't exist. Here are some potential causes and solutions for the 404 error:

  1. Incorrect URL: Double-check the URL defined in the sentimentURL variable or the URL you're trying to access for headlines. Ensure there are no typos or missing parts.
  2. Temporary Server Issue: The error message "will try again later" suggests the issue might be temporary. Try rerunning the script after a short wait (a few minutes) to see if the resource becomes available.
  3. Authentication Issues: If the URL requires authentication (e.g., login credentials), ensure your script has the necessary information to access the resource.

Debugging Tips:

Print the exact URL the script tries to access before the error occurs. This can help you identify if it's an incorrect URL or a server issue. Check the documentation for the third-party sentiment service or the website you're trying to access headlines from. They might have updated their API or structure, requiring adjustments in your script.

hope this helps, thanks