I tried to compile this code for ATtiny85 with Arduino IDE 1.8.19.
The first issue was, that some variables weren't defined. After defining them in the ino-file,
`#if BOARD == ATTINY85
int TCNT2, COM2A0, COM2B1, TCCR2A, TCCR2B, OCR2A, OCR2B, WGM20, WGM21, WGM22, CS21;
the compiling process seemed to be okay.
But then the linker told me, that the code would use 2k more space than the 8kB, the microcontroller can deliver.
So, I reduced the IR code database for NA const IrCode* const NApowerCodes[] PROGMEM =, by just commenting many lines out in WORLD_IR_CODES.h.
Now I can compile the program and burn it via ISP into my ATtiny85. The chip seems to be doing something, but it isn't generating always valid IR codes. I tested this with an JOY-IT multi tester, that can detect and decode IR signals.
Yes, I told the ATtiny85 to run with 16MHz(PLL) by first burning a optiboot bootloader. The code after compilation was uplaoded without bootloader, of course. The standard LED is flashing and it seems to behave the same, as on the Arduino nano.
So, why don't these both boards behave the same way? Are the variables above not used as INT? Does the ATtiny85 have another timing problem? Does the avr-gcc do different things for the 328P on the nano board and the ATtiny85 chip?
Does anyone have an idea?
If someone will need to inpect the code, I'll create an upload link, cause I'm not really familiar with GIT.
Hello folks!
I tried to compile this code for ATtiny85 with Arduino IDE 1.8.19.
The first issue was, that some variables weren't defined. After defining them in the ino-file, `#if BOARD == ATTINY85 int TCNT2, COM2A0, COM2B1, TCCR2A, TCCR2B, OCR2A, OCR2B, WGM20, WGM21, WGM22, CS21;
the compiling process seemed to be okay.
But then the linker told me, that the code would use 2k more space than the 8kB, the microcontroller can deliver. So, I reduced the IR code database for NA
const IrCode* const NApowerCodes[] PROGMEM =
, by just commenting many lines out in WORLD_IR_CODES.h. Now I can compile the program and burn it via ISP into my ATtiny85. The chip seems to be doing something, but it isn't generating always valid IR codes. I tested this with an JOY-IT multi tester, that can detect and decode IR signals. Yes, I told the ATtiny85 to run with 16MHz(PLL) by first burning a optiboot bootloader. The code after compilation was uplaoded without bootloader, of course. The standard LED is flashing and it seems to behave the same, as on the Arduino nano.So, why don't these both boards behave the same way? Are the variables above not used as INT? Does the ATtiny85 have another timing problem? Does the avr-gcc do different things for the 328P on the nano board and the ATtiny85 chip?
Does anyone have an idea?
If someone will need to inpect the code, I'll create an upload link, cause I'm not really familiar with GIT.
Best regards, Thomas